


备考期间,考生可以适当放松,同时也要静下心来做好接下来的复习。下文是威廉希尔app 中考频道为您准备了模拟试卷


1. There are two         (Englishman /Chinese) in the English club.

2. What would you like? I’d like ________(to buy/buying) two kilos of potatoes.

3. Where were you_________?(last week/ next week)? I was on holidays.

4. The_________(thief /policeman) is catching the thief, but the thief is running faster than him.

5. I like making snowman with my friends in________(winter /summer).

6. Look!Wang Bing is sitting behind Gao Shan. Because Gao Shan is _________(taller /shorter)  than Wang Bing.

7. _________(Who’s /Whose) stronger, your father or your uncle?

8. __________(How far /How old) is the KFC from here?

9.__________(How /What) a beautiful flower!

10. I have no money. So I must go to the _________( Bank of China /map of China) to get some.

威廉希尔app 中考频道为您准备了模拟试卷,希望大家熟练掌握,灵活运用


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