( )26. —How is the dinosaur? —Six tons.
A. much B. tall C. heavy
( ) 27. Yesterday we in the gym.
A. play games B. read books C. see a film
( ) 28. Tom lost his book. He’s so .
A. happy B. bored C. sad
( ) 29. —Can you the bed?
—Sorry, I can’t.
A. take B. ride C. make
( ) 30. Happy birthday you. This apple is you.
A. to ; for B. for ; to C. to ; to
( ) 31. Lily is ten. Jack is eleven. So Jack is than Lily.
A. older B. younger C. taller
( ) 32. — I feel ill. —You should .
A. see a doctor B. do more exercise C. count to ten
( ) 33. When you see a yellow light, don’t .
A. wait B. go C. slow down
( )34. My uncle a student in the university five years ago, but
now he a teacher in a middle school.
A. is ; was B. was ; was C. was ; is
( ) 35. In China, drivers usually drive side of the road.
A. on the left B. in the middle C. on the right
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