




(    ) 1. My little sister is only

A.three year old.  B. three years old.  C.three years

(    ) 2. I want to buy        glasses for my grandpa.

A. a   B. the    C. a pair of

(    ) 3.Jim and Ron are        about Jack’s birthday.

A. saying     B. talking    C. speaking

(    ) 4.What an        game it is!   A. excite    B.exciting  C. excited

(    ) 5. I usually        my homework at seven o’clock.

A. did     B. do     C. does

(    ) 6. My VCD        here yesterday. Where        it now?

A. is ,was     B. were , are      C. was ,  is

(    ) 7. What        is it today?  It is Sunday.

A. date       B. time      C. day

(    ) 8. What         in the glass ?  There         some apple juice.

A is , is.      B. is, are       C. are ,is

(    ) 9.My father likes           music after lunch.

A. listening to    B .listen to    C. to listen

(    ) 10. Here’s a photo of         family for you . May I have one of       ?

A. yours ,my     B. my ,yours   C. your, my

(    ) 11.Ben is          the candles on the cake . It's time for some cake.

A.buying     B.blow out    C.blowing out

(    ) 12. When's your birthday, Andy?   A.At January  B.On January  C.In January

(    ) 13. Mary is looking       her camera.She can't find it.

A. for     B.at    C.around

(    ) 14. Mr Smith looks around. There's          nearby.

A.everyone     B.no one    C.some people

(    ) 15. Look! The birds ________ our lunch.

A.is eat    B.are eat    C.is eating  D. are eating

(    ) 16.What do you want to _____?  Milk ,please.   A. talk   B.eat  C.drink

(     )17. How           is the chicken? A. many   B.much   C.often    D,far

(   )18.-How many _____ are there in the classroom now?  -One.

A. child     B. people    C. boy

(   )19.It's very hot ____ May ____ August in Hainan.

A. from, to    B. in, on  C. in, in

(   )20.I feel very sad ____I lost my bag.  A. so  B. and  C. because

(   )21. Who gave the bike____you? A. for  B. of   C. to   D. at

(   )22.Tom’s little brother can____this one. A. have  B. had  C. having  D. has

(   )23.I bought___a basket.  A. she  B.  her   C. his   D. we

(   )24. Where did Lingling____ yesterday? A. goes B. went   C. go  D. going

(   )25. Helen Keller is a model ____blind people. A. of   B. for   C. to   D. at

(   )26.____was she famous? –She wrote a book about herself.

A. What   B. Why   C. When   D. Where

(   )27. -____ ?-I want a dress.

A. What do you want to eat?  B. How much is it? C. Can I help you ? D. What’s this?

(   )28.- ____are you going to go this summer?-I’m going to go to Beijing.

A. What   B. Why   C. When   D. Where

(   )29. Lots of children are ____Chinese in England.

A. learn    B. learns   C. learning   D. learned

(   )30.Why are you laughing?I’m____. A. happy  B. sad  C. tired  D. afraid

(   )31. Lots of people saw his video ____now he is very famous.

A. but    B. or   C. and    D. because

(   )32.This book is ____spaceships. A .in  B. at  C. about  D. with

(   )33.I helped __ yesterday and ___ helped me today.

A. he, he     B. she, her  C. him, he

(  )34. I want to buy some clothes, let’s ____

A. go swimming  B. go shopping  C. go skipping

(   )35.He ___ up at six every morning. A. get    B. gets    C. getting

(   )36.-Have some tea, Tom.  -_____.

A. You are welcome  B. Thank you  C. Yes, I do

(   )37.-How do you go to school?

-___.My school is near.  A. By a bike   B. By plane  C. By bus

38. (   )—______ is Tibet?   --It’s in the west of China.

A.  Who        B. What          C. Where

39. (   ) I ___ surprised.  A.  am    B.  is    C.  are

40. (   ) Where would you like to ____ this winter vacation?

A. go         B. do          C. does

41. (   )—What kind of animal are whales?

--They’re _____.   A. fish    B. reptiles    C. mammals

41. (   ) --How ___ is the giraffe ? –It’s 6 meters.    A. tall    B. old    C. fast

43. (   ) --Why is Mei Lanfang _____?--Because he sang many Beijing operas.

A. famous       B. born          C. Chinese

44. (   ) --Where will you ___ in the future?

--I’ll live on the moon.      A. do    B. be  C. live

45.(   )  What will you do in ____ future?   A. a       B. the     C. /



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