



1. You can see that is a pear.(改为否定疑问句)

_______ _________ see that is a pear?

2. I can give her my pencil.(改为同义句)

I can give my pencil ______ _______.

3. The boy behind the door is Tom.(对画线部分提问)

_______ _________ is Tom?

4. Li Lei is in Team Four. Lin Tao is in Team Four, too.(合为一句)

Li Lei and Lin Tao ______ in ______ same team.

5. Jack and Mick are American.(改为一般疑问句)

______ Jack and Mike ______?


A: Hello, may I speak ______ Lili?

B: Sorry, Lili isn’t ______. Is that you, Beibei?

A: Yes, Beibei is speaking. Who’s _____, please?

B:_____ is Lili’s mother. Lili told me you would come to help her _____ her English.

A: Yes, but I can’t do that this evening.

B: _____ not?

A: My aunt will arrive this evening. I’ll have to _____ her at the airport.

B: I’m ____ to hear that.

A: Can you pass _____ a message to Lili?

B: Yes, of _____.

A: Thank you. Goodbye!

B: Bye-bye!


Two weeks before Christmas one year, I want to London with my mother. I __1__ forget the day. The streets were __2__ people. The shop windows were very bright. ,My mother held my hand and we both went into a toy(玩具)shop. The shop was full of __3__. There were nice toys __4__. Then I saw Father Christmas. I __5__ my mother by the hand. “Please __6__ me to Father Christmas,” I said. There were __7__ children near Father Christmas. They were standing __8__ line. Father Christmas spoken to every one of them. At last it was my __9__. “Hello, little Tom,” he said to me. As soon as I heard his __10__ I found out that he was my uncle, John Smith.

1. A shall never B don’t C always D will

2. A crowds of B full of C many D fill of

3. A students B children C women D man

4. A anywhere B somewhere C nowhere D everywhere

5. A pulled B pushed C got D caught

6. A let B take C ask D bring

7. A a lot B much C lots of D few

8. A by B in C with D at

9. A time B turn C toy D present

10. A sound B noise C voice D call


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