


小升初考试对于身处其中的家长和学生来说是一场战役。考验着家长和孩子的智力、体力、耐力、毅力、抗压力。威廉希尔app 小升初频道为大家提供2016年小升初英语阅读训练题,希望对大家有帮助!


一、 阅读短文,判断正误。

I'm Fangfang.I live in a village. It's small but beautiful.Look! That is my house. There are some trees near it. Behind the house there's a big river. You can see some boats on the river. Many ducks are beside the boats. How lovely! Oh, many flowers are between the trees. Let's get some to our teachers.

( )1.Fangfang's house is small.

( )2.There's a small river behind the house.

( )3.There are some boats on the river.

( )4.What lovely ducks they are!

( )5.Some flowers between the trees are for our English teachers。

二. 完型填空

Mrs. White__1__in a school. It is Sunday. She has__2__classes. At eight in the morning, she

__3__to a shop and buys a nice dress. She puts it in her bag and then buys__4__cakes for her children. At eleven she__5__home. She wants to put on her new dress, but she__6__find her bag. She calls the shop assistant (售货员), “Hello, Mrs. Black. This is Mrs. White. Can you help__7__ find my bag?__8__in your shop.”

“Of course, Mrs. White,” says the assistant. “We found three bags here. But which one is__9__?”

“I’m__10__,” says Mrs. White, ” I can tell you which one is mine.”

1. A. work B. works C. working D. study

2. A. not B. any C. some D. no

3. A. walks B. go C. walking D. walk

4. A. a piece B. a little C. some D. much

5. A. gets to B. gets C. get D. get to

6. A. can B. don’t C. can’t D. isn’t

7. A. I B. my C. mine D. me

8. A. It’s B. Its C. They’ re D. He’s

9. A. you B. your C. mine D. yours

10. A. go B. come C. coming D. comes




这就是我们精心为大家准备的2016年小升初英语阅读训练题,希望对大家有用!更多小升初复习资料及相关资讯,尽在威廉希尔app ,请大家及时关注!





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