


(一)Mr. Bean couldn’t hear well. He is nearly deaf. But he didn’t like people to talk about this. One day, he invited some friends to have a birthday party in his house. They sang and danced. They told jokes, too. One of Mr. Bean’s friends told an interesting story. Everybody laughed. Mr. Bean laughed, too. Then he said: “ That was a very funny joke(笑话). But I know a funnier one.” So he told his story. When the story ended, everyone laughed than ever. Because Mr. Bean’s story was the same as his friends.

( ) 1. Mr. Bean _____________.

A. couldn’t see well. B. couldn’t hear well. C. couldn’t dance well

( ) 2. Mr. Bean’s friend ____________ at his birthday party.

A. sang and danced. B. played football. C.ate birthday cake

( ) 3. Mr. Bean’s friends told an ______________ story.

A. sad B.bored C. interesting

( ) 4. Mr. Bean’s story was ______________ his friend’s.

A . different from B. same as C. half different from

( ) 5. Mr. Bean is______________.

A. funny B. bad C. happy

   八.阅读短文,错的写F对的写T (共10分)


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