


笔试部分 (70)


1. at the airport __________ 2. be good for_________

3. say hello to_______ _ 4. a basketball player________

5. at the sports store____________ 6. 去游泳_____________

7. 洗脸___________ 8. 一双跑鞋__________

9.努力工作___________ 10. 从星期一到星期五 _________


1. box(复数) 2. sheep(复数) 3. fish(复数)

4. she(宾格) 5. nine(序数词)_______ 6. light(反义词)_____

7. fast(比较级)_______ 8. teach(过去式)_____ 9. come(过去式)

10. Sptember(缩写)


1. We can (make) snowmen in winter.

2. Li Ming (read) newspapers yesterday morning.

3. Peter likes (draw) pictures.

4. Kate speaks (China).

5. The children (play) basketball tomorrow.

6. He likes (listen) to music.

7. Danny eats cakes, eggs and ______ (grape) for lunch.

8. Your classroom is on the ________ (three) floor.

9. I have a beautiful cat. _______ ( it ) name is Mimi.

10. Listen! Some girls _______ (sing) in the classroom.


( ) 1. - Is this his book? - No, It’s . A. my B. mine C. your

( ) 2. These are . A. man B. girl C. women

( ) 3. I don't have ______ soup. A. some B. any C. many

( ) 4. I my homework last night. A. does B. doing C. did

( ) 5. Here a bus. A. comes B. come C. coming

( ) 6.What would you like ____ supper? A. to B. in C. for

( ) 7. What are you going this weekend? A. to do B. going C. do

( ) 8. I often play violin, but I don’t like playing basketball.

A. 不填;不填 B. the; the C. the, 不填

( ) 9. When someone helps you, don’t forget say“ ”.

A. I’m sorry. B. That’s all right. C. Thank you.

( ) 10. She writes than the other students in her class.

A. more careful B. carefully C. more carefully






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