



1.( )These ______ christmas lights.

A. am B. is c. Are D.be

2.( )____is it ? It is 7:00 .

A. what time B. what colour c. Where D.when

3.( )This ____ a gift .

A. am B. is c. Are D.be

4.( )Let’s _____up a christmas tree. .

A. putting B. to put C. Put D.puts

5.( )Yesterday my dad _____a christmas tree .

A. bought B. to buy C. Buys D.brought

6.( )The star always_____ on top!

A. go B. going c. goes

7.( )look! She is __ on the couch .

A. siting B. sits c. sitting D.to sit

8.( )LiMing and I ___ in China.

A. live B. lives c.living D.to live

9. ( ) ______ students in your class? -----Thirty eight.

A . How B. How old C. How many D.How much

10.( )I like ______ TV .

A. watch B. Watching C. to watch D.watches

11.( )_____spring,I put on my sweater.

A. In B. On C. At D.For

12. ( )--Nice to meet you! --_____________.

A. Nice to meet you too. B. Fine, thanks

C. I am twelve D.I’m fine.

13.( )___a holiday, people don’t work.

A. In B. On C. At D.For

14.Tomorrow we _____gifts for my friends.

A.bring B.to bring C.are going to bring D. Brings

15.( )_____santa bring gifts ?

A.Dis B.Do C.Does D. Done


1.( )How is the weather ,today ? A. It is ten degrees .

2.( )What is the temperature ? B. I am from china .

3.( )Where are you from ? C. They are playing cards

4.( )What are they doing ? D. It is cold and snowy.

5.( )When is the christmas ? E.Dec 25.


1. These are women .(单数句)___________________.



3.Do you usually do your homework ?( 肯定回答).

_______________ ?

4.Christmas is on December 25.( 画线部分提问)


5.There are ten books on the desk.( 画线部分提问)


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