


43. A. to arrived at B. to get   C. to leave  D. to ride

44. A. Every time  B. From now on C. Before D. Then

45. A. looked for  B. looked after C. looked at D. looked around

46. A. made   B. let   C. had  D. felt

47. A. hears   B. was hearing C. heard  D. would hear

48. A. name   B. school  C. age   D. address

49. A. polite   B. angry  C. happy  D. kind

50 A. something  B. everything  C. anything  D. nothing


1.My brother plays——football very well.

A.a B.the  C. all D. /

2.Birds —— when there isn’t enough food for them.

A. starve  B.are starving  C.starved D.starves

3.I can see an apple ________ the apple tree and a bird ________ the banana tree.

A.on, in  B.in,in  C.on,on  D.in,on

4.I have a red box.It’s full ________ toys,so it’s very ________.

A.of, light  B.for,big  C.like,small  D.of,heavy

5.Your football shoes are under the chair.Please ________.

A.put away it  B.put it away  C.put away them  D.put them away

6.Mom’s in a bad _____,so be nice to her.

A.time  B.trouble  C. manner  D.mood

四、 阅读理解

Mr.White looks out of his window.There is a boy at the other side of the street.The boy takes some bread out of a bag and begins eating it.There is a very thin dog in the street, too.The boy says to it, “I’ll give you some bread.” The dog is hungry and goes to the boy, but he does not give it any bread.He kicks the dog.It runs away, and the boy laughs.

Then Mr.White comes out of his house and says to the boy.“I’ll give you a shilling (先令).”The boy is happy and says,“Yes.”“Come here.” Mr.White says.The boy goes to him,but Mr.White does not give him a shilling.He hits him with a stick. The boy cries and says, “Why do you hit me? I do not ask you for any money.” “No,” Mr.White says,“And the dog does not ask you for any bread,but you kick it.”

1.Where is Mr.White at first?

A.He is in the room

B.He is in the street.

C.He is in front of the house.

D.He stands close to the boy.

2.Why does the dog go to the boy? Because__________.


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