


孩子的教育始终是家长关心的头等大事,所有的家长都希望自己的孩子能够接受最好的教育,有更好的未来。为此威廉希尔app 小升初频道为大家提供小升初英语过关检测试卷。希望对广大家长和小学生们都有所帮助!


一、Read and write.写出下列动词的过去式及现在分词。

1.read _______ ________ 2.write _______ ________

3.take _______ ________ 4.speak _______ ________

5.teach _______ ________

二、Look and choose.单项填空。

( )1.Glad _____ see you again.

A.to B.at C.of

( )2.He _____ many books.

A.reading B.read C.writing

( )3.They are playing _____ interesting game.

A.many B.a C.an

( )4.Class is _____.

A.begins B.over C.after

( )5.Dino stood up, but _____ sit down.

A.did not B.is not C.do not

三、Read and write.用所给动词的适当形式填空。

1.We are _______ (play) a game.

We _______(play) many interesting games last Sunday.

2.He likes _______(write) stories.

He can _______(write) well.

3.Tom is _______(practise) _______(listen).

4.He _______(teach) us English.

5.Don’t _______(talk) in the classroom.

6.I _______(visit) my grandparents last week.

My grandmother _______(make) some cakes for me.

四、Read and choose.读一读,选一选。

( )1.I went to the beach with my mother. A.

( )2.I went to the library with my father. B.

( )3.I went to the park with Taotao. C.

( )4.I played ping-pong with Linlin. D.

( )5.I read many English books. E.

九、Read and judge.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。

I had got a good friend two years ago. It was a cute dog. Its name was Doudou. I often went to the park with Doudou. Doudou could run very fast. It was white. I gave it some chicken to eat every day. It liked chicken very much. I loved it. One day, Doudou was lost. I was very sad.

( )1.Doudou was my friend.

( )2.Doudou was a white dog.

( )3.Doudou could run fast.

( )4.Doudou liked chicken very much.

( )5.I can play with Doudou now.

我们精心为大家准备的小升初英语过关检测试卷,希望大家合理的利用!更多小升初复习资料及相关资讯,尽在威廉希尔app ,请大家及时关注!





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