
来源:互联网 编辑:may




一、听句子,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出所包含的信息,并将字母标号填写在题前括号内. ( 10 分 )

( )1.A shorer B stronger C heavier D smaller

( )2.A have a fever B have a cold C have a sore throat

D have a headache

( )3.A tired B excited C angry D happy

( )4.A watch B wash C visit D clean

( )5.A fail B match C matter D seal

二、下面你将听到5个问句,请从打乱顺序的答句当中,将能回答每个问句的答句字母标号添入题前括号内. ( 10 分 )

( )1. A.She is 164cm tall.

( )2. B.I feel tired.

( )3. C.I’m 45kg .

( )4. D.I like the yellow one.

( )5. E. My nose hurts.

三、听录音,将句子补充完整。( 10 分 )

1.I’m ______ than my brother.and ______ than him.

2. What’s the ______ with her? She ______ her finger.

3.I don’t feel well.I have a _______.

I’m ______ to hear that.

4.John often _______ books in the moring.look! He is ______ now.

5.Last week we ______ to the park and ______ kites.



1.m d c ne 药 2.wr t 作家

3.b t 小船 4. c - sk t 滑冰

5. l ph t 大象


1、marker eraser pencil-case

2、orange apple pear

3、black red green

4、three twenty five

5、math Chinese P.E


1. do(过去式) 2. eight(序数词)

3. play (现在分词) 4. new (反义词)

5. go (第三人称单数)


( ) 1、do A. the floor

( ) 2、draw B. football

( ) 3、watch C. pictures

( ) 4、play D. TV

( ) 5、sweep E. homework


( )1._____ he visit his grandparents yesterday ?

A Do B Does C Did

( )2. It’s snowing. I can’t play football . I am ________.

A happy B tired C bored

( )3.----_______your father________?

----He’s an engineer. …

A What does…do B What do…does C Where does…do ( )4.______do you go to school ?

A What B When C How

( )5. What___ he _____ next week?

A does… do B is …doing C is… going to do


( )1 Excuse me, Where’s the library ?

( )2 Where are you going ?

( )3 What’s the matter ?

( )4 I failed the math test

( )5 What did you do yesterday ?

A I visited my grandparents.

B I ’m sorry to hear that.

C I have a sore throat.

D I’m going to the bookstore.

E It’s next to the cinema.


1.books , they , some , are , reading (.)

2.is , shirt ,the , what , colour (?)

3.go , school , I , by , plane , to (.)

4.John , stronger , is , Amy ,than (.)

5 .last , went , Xinjiang , I ,to , Sunday (.)


It was a sunny day last Sunday. Liu Mei went shopping with her mother. On her way to the shop, they met(遇见) an old woman. The old woman wanted to see her husband(丈夫). He had a flu and was ill in the hospital. But she did not know the way to the hospital. Liu Mei asked a policeman. He told(告诉) her to take a No. 11 bus. Liu Mei went with the old woman to the hospital and her mother went shopping by herself(独自). Forty minutes later, the old woman saw her husband. Liu Mei left the hospital and went to the bookstore. She did not wait for their thanks.

( ) 1 The weather was rainy last Sunday.

( ) 2 The old woman wanted to go to the cinema.

( ) 3 The woman’s husband had a flu. Xk b1. c om

( ) 4 Liu Mei and the old woman went to the hospital by bus.

( ) 5 Liu Mei went to the bookstore at last (最后).


Last Weekwend


一. 听句子,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出所包含的信息,并将字母标号填写在题前括号内. ( 10 分 )

1. Mike is heavier than John.

2.What’s the matter with you ? I have a sore throat.

3.I’m going on a big trip, so I feel excited.

4.I often wash my clothes on Sunday.

5.There is a football match this evening.

二、下面你将听到5个问句,请从打乱顺序的答句当中,将能回答每个问句的答句字母标号添入题前括号内. ( 10 分 )

1.What’s the metter with you ?

2.How heavy are you?

3.How tall is Amy ?

4.Which one do you like ?

5.How do you feel?

三,听录音,将句子补充完整。( 10 分 )

1.I’m thinner_than my brother.and _shorter_ than him.

2. What’s the metter with her? She hurts her finger.

3.I don’t feel well.I have a toothache

I’m sorry to hear that.

4.John often reads books in the moring.look! He is reading now.

5.Last week we went to the park and flew kites.


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