


  1There are two _____ in our school
  Alibrary      Blibraries.       Clibrarys

  2There aren’t _____ apples in the basket, but there are some on the table
  Asome       Bany       Ca

  3—Is there a dining hall in your school?
  AYesthere are.    BNothere is.    CYesthere is

  4Loo kmy grandmother is _____ my grand father
  Aon the left of
  Con the right of

  5—Have you got a dictionary?
  AYesI do.     BYesI got      CYesI have

  6—Where are _____?
   —They are on the chair.
  ATony's books     BTony's book   CTony books

  7He ______ any aunts or uncles
  Adoesn't has got  Bhaven't got   Chasn't got

  8—How many computers _____ in your classroom?
    —There are two
  Aare there     Bare you have   Cdoes you have

  9—Where _____  you _____?
   —I'm from Beijing
  Aare, from    Bdo, from    Care, come

  10_____ is a doctorWhat about _____ father?
  AHisyour    BHer, your’s   CHisyou

  11There are _____ students in our classThat is 19 boys and 21 girls
  Aforty      Bfourty    Cfourteen

  12.Juice and water are healthy drinks_____ Coke isn't healthy drink
   Aand       Bbut     Cor

  13Can I have _____ water?
  Athese      Bsome    Cone

  14Lingling is in __________
  AClass FourGrade One
  BGrade OneClass Four
  CClass fourgrade one

  15What's your _____ fruit?
  Avery like     Bfavourite    Cmuch like

  16She can't ________ in the lake
  Aswimming    Bswiming    Cswim

  17 There __________ a cat and two dogs in my home
  Abe      Bis      Care

  18 He _____ hamburgers
  Alike eat      Blikes eating     Clike to eats

  19. The office building _____ the classrooms
  Abehind      Bbehinds     Cis behind

  20__________ there any apples in the kitchen?
  AHave      BBe       CAre

  21Paris is the capital of __________
  Athe USA    Bthe UK    CFrance     DAustralia

  22About ________ percent of the earth's surface is covered with water
  A29      B82      C71       D100

  23A car travels at a rate of 50 miles per hourHow long will it take to travel 300 miles?
  A250hours    B6hours     C1/6hours     D15000hours

  24Beijing Olympic Games are the __________ modem Olympic Games
  A      B      C      D

  25The number of seconds in one day _____ The number of minutes in one week
  A>      B<     C=      DWe don't know

  NBA is the most famous basketball game in the worldThere_____ 26_____ a Chinese player in this gameHis name is Yao MingHe is _____27 _____ player in this gameIn his spare timeYao _____28_____cars. On last Christmashe drove _____ 29 _____ old car to visit one of his _____ 30 _____On his way, he ______ 31 _____ a policeman following himFinally, he stopped and said to the policeman“______ 32 _____ ChristmassirIs there anything wrong with me?”“Noof course not”answered the policeman“Then _____ 33 _____ did you _____ 34 _____ me?”asked  Yao“______35______be angry”said the policeman“You did nothing wrongI only want to ask you for a signature(签名)!”

  26Abe        Bare        Cis
  27Atall       Bthe tallest    Ctallest
  28A1ikes driving   B1ikes drive    C1ike driving
  29Aa        Ban        Cthe
  30Afriends     Bfriend      Cthe friend
  31Asees      Bseed       Csaw
  32AMarry      BMerry       CHappy
  33AWhy       BHow        CWhen
  34Aask       Bfollow      Cstopped
  35ADon’t     BYou don’t     CYou can't

  The following discussion(讨论) took place(发生)  between a father and his nine-year-old son
  “It's unfair(不公平)DadMum wants me to make my bed, but I don't know how
  “It's time for you to learnWhere are your clean sheets(床单)?”
  “I don't know
  “What do you mean you don't know? You need to take care of your things
  “Where are Jack's sheets?”the father called to his wife
  “Right next to ours”the wife answered
  After a momentthe father asked slowly,“Where ale ours?”

  36The discussion takes place between ________
  Aa husband and a wife      Ba mother and her son
  Ca father and his son      Da mother and a father

  37The son doesn’t know _____
  Ahow to wash his sheets     Bhow to make his bed
  Chow to clean his sheet     Dhow to clean his bed

  38The father doesn't know _____
  Ahow to wash sheets       Bhow to make his bed
   Chow to clean sheets      Dwhere his sheets are

  39The father says his son is _____ because he doesn't know where his _____ is
  Acarefulsheet         Bcarelessbed
  Ccarefulbed          Dcarelesssheet

  40Who do you think take care of the housework(家务) in the family?
  Athe father           Bthe mother 
  Cthe child            DNo one
  A girl may pass easily through the first gradesWhile boys of her age bring home low marks, the girl may get easily good gradesGirls seem to have“better brains”in schoolWhy do so few girls become scientists? Why is the most important thinking in adult(成人) world done by men?

  According to(根据) scientiststhe answer is aggression(敌对行为)Boys usually refuse to accept other people's conclusion(结论)They insist on solving problems by themselveswhile little girls are getting high marks in school for remembering what the teacher has told them, little boys are learning to think in their own waysBoys are usually the ones who get high pay and the powerful job because they are to be aggressive at an early age

  41Girls get better marks at school than boys because _________
  Aboys are lazier
  Bgirls are better at remembering things than boys
  Cgirls are cleverer than boys
  Dteachers care more for girls than for boys

  42There are so few women scientists because __________
  Aboys are cleverer than girls
  Bgirls are less cared for
  Cgirls are lazier
  Dfew of them are trained to be aggressive

  43According to the scientists__________
  Aboys are good at thinking in their own ways while girls are remembering things
  Bboys Can easily get food jobs while girls can't
  Cgirls insist on doing things on their own
  Dthe nature of the boys and girls is the samebut their education is different

  44In the view of the writer,__________
  Agirls have better brains
  Bboys have better brains
  Cneither boys nor girls have better brains
  Dusually great scientists are men and most important things are done by men

   45Which of the following is right?
  ABoys are cleverer in school
  BGirls are cleverer at an early age
  CBoys and girls have good points in different ways
  DBoys have good points only when they enter the adult world
  Answer the questions according to the poster at the next page

  46How many kinds of animals are talked about in the passage?
  AFive      BSix       CSeven

  47A child under 12 Can go to the zoo __________
  Awith a ticket of $1.00   Bwith a ticket of $2.00    Cfreely

  48Now Mr. Smith is in the zoo with his two sonsone aged 14 and the other 10how much are the tickets together?
  A$2.00     B$3.00        C$4.00

  49Which of the following is the visiting time?
  A800 am. Monday
  B930 amFriday
  C300 PmSunday

  50Which of the following can we do in the zoo?
  ATo give some food to the fish
  BTo take a few nice photos
  CTo throw things at animals
  51I’m ten years old and my sister is two years older than meso she is t_____ years old

  52Chinese people are very good at table t_____and it's our favorite sport

  53Lingling is now reading books in the school l__________

  54I have a pen friendand we always send e_____to each other by computer

  55Ice-cream and candies are not healthy foodThey ale u_____ food

  56What’s the w_____ like in spring? It's warm

  57When you see foreign friends in our schoolyou can say to them “W_____ to my school”

  58My uncle is a workerHe works in a f_____

  59Your father and your mother are your p_____

  60Don't take this book because it is mineY_____ is on the table

  “Early to bedearly to rise”makes a man healthy, wealthy and wiseIt's good for the body

  This is an old sayingHave you heard of it before? It means that we must go to bed early at night and get up early in the morningThen we shall be healthyWe shall also be rich and clever

   That is trueThe body must have enough sleep to be healthyChildren of young age should have enough sleepor they can't do their work very wellThey will not be wise and they may not become wealthy!

  The body also needs exercise: walking, running, jumping, swimming, playing games and all other exerciseExercise keeps the body strongExercise also helps the blood to move around inside the bodyThis is very importantOur blood takes food to all parts of our bodyThe head also needs bloodExercise helps us to think better

  61What does“early to bedearly to rise”mean?

  62What must the body have to be healthy?

  63What will happen to Children of young age who don't have enough sleep?

  64What keeps the body strong?

  65What takes food to all parts of our body?

  Dear John
  How are you recently?
  I'm writing to introduce my new school to you

  1—5BBCAC    6—10ACAAA   11—15ABBAB   16—20CBBCC
  21—25CCBCA   26—30CBABA  31—35CBABA   36—40CBDDB

  41—45BDACC   46—50BCBCB
  51twelve  52tennis  53library  54e-mails  55unhealthy
   56weather  57Welcome  58parents  59Yours

  61What does “early to bed, early to rise” mean?
  10 means to go to bed early and get up early
  62What must the body have to be healthy?
    Enough sleep
  63What will happen to Children of young age who don’t have enough sleep?
    They will not be wise and they may not become wealthy
  64What keeps the body strong?
  65What takes food to all parts of our body?
    Our blood.



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