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( 1 )  A young mother and her little girl get on a bus and sit down. The bus conductor comes to ask them to buy the tickets. “I want one ticket to Children’s Park.” The conductor looks at the little girl and says to her, “How old are you?” The girl answers, “Mother says I am four years old at home, but I’m two years old on the bus.” The young mother’s face turns red, very red. Then she buys a half(一半) tickets .

(    )1. Where do they go?   A. Home.  B. The park

(    )2. How do they go there?  A. By train.  B. By bus.

(    )3. How old is the little girl?   A. 4      B. 3

(    )4. Why the mother’s face is red? A. She feels hot.

B. She teaches her daughter (女儿) to tell a lie (谎言).

(    )5.What’s the meaning of “ticket”? “ticket”的意思是什么?

A.方便面     B. 车票



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