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一、 请在四线格上正确抄写单词和句子。(10)

1.famous         2.travel          3.break

4.heavy           5. hope

Did you go anywhere in winter?

Yes. I went to Shandong.

二、 选出与所给汉语相对应的单词。(5)

1.(   )任何地方 A. where  B.somewhere  C. anywhere

2. (    ) 胖的     A. fat     B. thin        C. short

3.(     ) 听见    A. ear      B. hear       C.pear

4.(     ) 感觉到  A. meet     B. meal      C. feel

5.(     ) 轻的    A.heavy     B.light       C. look


A. 冰雪节  B.长江  C. 又胖又矮  D.回到  E.沿…..旅行

1.(   )go back  2.(   )the Yangtze River 3.(   ) travel along

4.  (   )short and fat      5.(   ) Ice and Snow Festival


A.Yes. I did.           B. Yes. it was cold and windy.

C. The long one.          D. Yes. I went back to my hometown.

E. Let’s go to see him. We can take some fruits with us.

1.(    )Did you go to see the Ice and Snow Festival?

2.(    )What can we do to help him?

3.(    )Was it very cold there?

4.(    ) Which dress?

5.(    ) Did you go anywhere in winter?


1.(   )想要看别人的照片,应说¬¬¬¬

A. Show me the photo, please.  B. Show me the dress,please.

2. (    )听到别人摔断腿,你应该说

A.I’m sorry to hear that.      B.I’m happy to hear that.

3.(    )同学担心英语不好,你可以说

A. Here are some fruits for you.

B. Don’t worry. I can help you with your English.

4.(     )看到同学不舒服,可以问

A.How are you today?     B. How old are you ?

5.(    )生病时担心功课可以说

A.I’m worried about my lessons. B. I am good at it.



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