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Read and choose.(选择。)

(   ) 1. A: Hi, Amy! I want to buy some books.      B: Look! There is a         over there.

A. bookstore               B. post office             C. pet shop

(   ) 2. A: What’s wrong with you?      B: I feel ill.        A: You should             .

A. go to school             B. see a doctor           C. take a deep breath

(   ) 3. It’s a           light. You can go now.

A. red                     B. yellow                   C. green

(   ) 4. A: Hello, John! What does your mother do?          B:           .

A. She is a coach.          B. She likes singing.       C. She lives in Beijing.

(   ) 5. A: How tall are you?      B: I’m 1.65 metres. I’m           than you.

A: But I am              than you.

A. taller, younger        B. longer, older          C. smaller, younger

(   ) 6. A: What did you do last weekend, Mike?   B: I       and stayed at home all weekend.

A. have a cold           B. had a cold           C. has a cold

(   ) 7. A:         last winter holiday?         B: I went to Sanya and it was beautiful there.

A. Where are you going     B. Where did you go      C. Where do you usually go

(   ) 8. A: There          no computers in my school ten years ago.

B: Now there            many computers in my school.

A. was, is               B. are, were              C. were, are



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