( ) 1. What______ interesting film!.
A. / B. a C. an
( ) 2. I’m going to a film tomorrow.
A. look B. see C. watch
( ) 3. Miss White likes reading .
A. storys B. story-book C. stories
( ) 4.I’m going to him the Chinese song“Jasmine Flower”.
A. teaches B. teach C. teaching
( ) 5. His hobbies are ________ .
A. goes hiking and swims B. going hiking and swims
C. going hiking and swimming
( ) 6. You must ________ and wait at a red light.
A. to stop B. stops C. stop
( ) 7. If you want to buy some food, you can go to the .
A. bookstore B. supermarket C. hospital
( ) 8. Sydney is a city of _________.
A. USA B. Australia C. UK
( ) 9. We often close the door with our _________.
A. head B. hair C. hand
( ) 10 Let’s not go out _________ a cold day.
A. in B.under C. on
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