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(    ) 1. There         something on the plate.

A. be                 B. is                C. are

(    ) 2. Father Christmas puts the presents in the stockings           night.

A. in                 B. at                C. on

(    ) 3. --- Who’s calling?----           .

A. I am Wang Hai.      B. It’s Wang Hai here.  C. Speaking.

(    ) 4. My grandfather          read any books after supper every evening.

A. don’t              B. isn’t going to        C. doesn’t

(    ) 5. Why don’t you          basketball with us?

A. play               B. plays              C. playing

(    ) 6. I don’t like the film. My parents don’t like it         .

A. two                B. too                C. either

(    )7. Our teachers are           than us.

A. busy                B. busier              C. the busiest

(    ) 8. Thank you            .

A. to you call            B. your call            C. fou your call

(    ) 9. ----At what time is the party? ----We         at two o’clock.

A. will start             B. start                C. is going to start

(    ) 10. Judy lives           the seventh floor.

A. in                   B.under                C. on

(    ) 11. What’s the matter           her?

A. with                 B. on                    C. of



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