( )1. Last Sunday, I ______ a big surprise.
A. have B. has C. had
( )2. The tree is thirty metres _______.
A. old B. tall C. long
( )3. You don’t send _______ letters, So I haven’t got any stamps.
A. I B. my C. me
( )4. A: When is Thanksgiving? B: It’s in __________.
A. October B. November C. December
( )5. _______ to music is my hobby.
A. Listening B. Listen C. Singing
( )6. I’m going to _____ an email ______ my mum.
A. send, for B. sent, to C. send, to
( )7.A: Will you go shopping ____ go swimming?
B: I’ll go swimming.
A. and B. so C. or
( )8. I want an _____ friend.
A. American B. Chinese C. Canadian
( )9. Hello, I’m Tingting. I’m from China. I’m ______ Chinese.
A. a B. an C. /
( )10. Sh! Tom is ________ in the room .
A. sleep B. sleeps C. sleeping
( )11. We should _______ homework every day.
A. do B. did C. does
( )12. I don’t like playing the flute. I _______ play it.
A. often B. always C. never
( )13. A: Let me help you. B: ________.
A. Thank you B. No, you don’t C. Sure.
( )14. Do you want _______ to the Changjiang River?
A. go B. to go C. going
( )15. One of my ________ is very tall.
A. friend B. friends C. a friend
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