1.The streets become very_________ mess).
2. Bobby often_________ (throw) rubbish on the ground.
3. We should_________ (keep) our school clean.
4. Helen_________ (come) to school by metro every day.
5. --Don’t_________ (park) your car here, Sir. -- Oh, sorry.
6. Look, the old man is_________ (water) the flowers in the garden.
7. The sign on the wall_________ (mean) “Danger”
8. Wang Bing_________ (see) some signs in the cinema.
9.Is Helen (go) to the countryside the day after tomorrow?
10.Today is Sunday morning. We (have) a picnic this afternoon.
11. We should take a bus to work (keep) the air clean.
12. Rubbish (make) the water dirty.
13. No (run) means you can’t run here.
14. ---- What (make) the air dirty? ----Black smoke from cars.
15. someone (smoke)? I can smell it.
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