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(   )1.What are you going to do ________ Chinese New Year?

A. in            B. on          C. at             D. for

(   )2. Do you often have lunch  ________ your family?

A. and           B. with          C. in            D. on

(   )3.We can ________the flower now.

A. sweep        B. sweeping     C. are sweeping

(   )4 There’s ____________ rubbish in the garden.

A. many        B. lot of        C. some

(   )5. To keep the air clean, we can plant ____________ trees.

A. any         B more         C. much

(   )6. Liu Tao ____________the metro to school yesterday.

A. took        B take         C. by

(   )7. They went there ____________bus last Sunday.

A. By          B took         C. take

(   )8.We ________ a picnic tomorrow.

A. have         B. are having      C. is going to have   D. are going to have

(   )9.Chinese like ________ best.

A. Thanksgiving    B. Christmas     C. Spring Festival D. New Year’s Day

(   )10.When is Christmas? It’s on ________ .

A. December 18th   B November 25th  C. November 30th   D. December 25th

(   )11.It was nice ________ your email.

A. get             B. gets            C. to get         D. to gets

(   )12.On ____ day of Chinese New Year, we’re going to watch fireworks in the evening.

A. two            B. second          C. the two       D. the second

(   )13.In summer, we like ________ .

A. go swimming     B. going swim    C. going to swim    D. to go swimming

(   )14.Jack is talking ________ his plan ________ his friends.

A. with, to        B. about, to       C. to, with        D. to, about

(   )15.Su Hai gets an email ________ her e-friend Anna.

A. in             B. from           C. to             D. for



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