( )1. Katie always ______ early every day.
A. gets up B. get up C.getting to
( )2. It’s raining_______.
A. heavy B. heavys C. heavily
( )3. The children are _______ in the living room.
A. swim B. swims C. playing
( )4.Let’s _______ the zoo.
A. go to B. to go C. going to
( )5. We are _______the moon.
A. looking B. looking at C. looks
( )6. We ____ to the park last week.
A. go B. went C. going to
( )7.Mingming is throwing stones at the dog. The dog is very _______.
A. happy B. hungry C. angry
( )8. Let’s go to the _____ .I want to read a book.
A. library B. park C. zoo
( )9.My father always leaves _____ work at 7:00
A. to B. for C. at
( )10. I want ______ fly to the moon.
A. for B. go C. to
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