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备考期间,考生可以适当放松,同时也要静下心来做好接下来的复习。下文是威廉希尔app 中考频道为您准备了单元测试


(   )1、A. see    B. wear   C. Ill

(   )2、A. cold   B. warm   C. worried

(   )3、A. doctor  B. exercise  C. teacher

(   )4、A.zoo   B.hospital  C.wrong

(   )5、A. hurt  B. angry   C. chase

(   )6、A.angry  B.run  C.worried


hungry       happy      afraid      sad     ill

(    )1. My mother is going to buy me a new computer. I am very ____________.

(    )2. I broken my bottle. I feel ___________.

(    )3. I am so __________. I want to eat some hot dogs.

(    )4. I don’t feel well. Maybe I am _______.

(    )5. The new teacher is very strict. I am _______ of him.


(    )1. My little puppy is ill. I am _____________

A. happy               B. sad                      C. angry

(    )2.Sarah and her cat are _______________.

A. worry               B. worried                   C. worries

(    )3. Come _____________, please.

A. here                 B. to here                   C. there

(    )4. We can go ________ time.

A. last                  B. next                      C. on

(    )5. ---How_____________ Sam feel?---_________ is ill.

A. do; She               B. does; She                  C. does; He

(    )6.你想知道卡通片是关于什么的,你会问:___________

A. What’s the cartoon?     B. What’s the cartoon about?     C. How is the cartoon?

(    )7.猫对老鼠很生气, 应该这样说:_________

A. The cat is angry with the mice.    B. The mice are angry with the cat.     C. The cat is angry to the mice.

(    )8.你想知道你朋友怎么了, 你会说:_______________

A. What’s wrong?        B. Do you feel ill?           C. Are you ill?

(    )9.朋友的水杯不小心打碎了,你应该对她说:_________

A. Don’t be happy.    B. Don’t be sad.    C. Don’t be angry.

(    )10. I feel ill.I should         this morning.

A. eat some fruit   B. go to school   C .see the doctor

(    )11. The cat is angry         them.

A. for           B. of           C. with

(    )12. John’s mother buys him a new football.He is    .

A. angry         B. happy        C. good

(    )13. Don’t         .I won’t sit on you.

A. wrong       B. happy     C. Worry

(    )14. My father is a fisherman.He works         the sea.

A.in           B. at         C. on

(    )15. How         Sam feel?

A. do          B. does       C. is


1. If you are ill, you should __________________________. (看医生)

2. If you want to be strong, you should ________________________. (做更多的锻炼)

3. If you feel cold, you should _____________________________. (穿更多的衣服)

4. If you are angry, you should _______________________(深吸一口气)and _______________. (数到十)


1. I’ll go and get some __________________.(drink)

2.Please wait for _____________.(I)

3.Take a deep breath. Then you ___________ feel so angry. (wil)

4. The mice ______________ not good. (be)

5.Maybe our cat is ______________the mice now. (chase)


1、afraid   mice   the   are   of    the   cat(.)

2、is  angry  with   the  cat  them   (.)

3、I  should   what   do(?)

4、see  morning  you   should   this  a  doctor(.)

5、take   I   a   deep   should  breath(.)

威廉希尔app 中考频道为您准备了单元测试,希望您多加练习,相信会提高您的考试成绩,加油哦!


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