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(    ) 1. I       visit the Chinatown this summer.

A. want          B. want to        C. wants

(    ) 2. They ________ for twelve hours a day.   A. eating    B. eats     C. eat

(    ) 3. New Year's Day always comes _________ the first of January.

A. on    B. in       C. from

(    ) 4. This is a picture of Hainan Island and it's my favourite _________ in China.

A. restaurant   B. place      C. building

(    ) 5. Lucy is               pens into her pencil box.     A. puts    B. put    C. putting

(    ) 6. I ________ play football every day.     A. don’t   B. doesn’t   C. didn’t

(    ) 7. A fox sleeps in the day ________ is awake at night.

A. but       B. and      C. then

(    )8. Only drink _______water.     A. dirty        B. clean     C. pretty

(    ) 9. - There _______ seven days in a week.

A. am       B. is       C. are

(    ) 10. I have got some _______of New York.

A. photo       B. photos       C. photoes

(    ) 11. I ______ got a Chinese kite.     A.  has    B. have      C. had

(    ) 12. Have you got ________ stamps from China?    A. any   B. some  C. a

(    ) 13. It’s fun ____________English.             A. to learn     B. learn      C. learnt

(    ) 14. The food was different ________ Chinese food in China.

A. for              B. from           C. of

(    ) 15. Do you want  _______ my pen pal?    A. to    B. be     C. to be



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