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1) This is ____ very expensive watch. Don’t touch it.

A..  an          B.  a           C.   the

2) Do you like_____, Gogo? Of course .Let’s go.

A..  swim        B.  swimming    C.  swimming

3) Tony must _____ good at ice-skating.

A..   is          B.  be          C.   are

4) Please look____the baby when I go out.

A..  for          B.   in          C.  after

5) Of the three books, this one is the __________.

A.   thinnest     B.  thinner       C.   thinest

6) What’s wrong _______ you? I had a bad cold.

A.   for         B    to        C.    with

7) ——How _______ is the hat, Tony?  ——100 yuan.

A    often         B   much       C.  many

8) Will you go hiking _____ me tomorrow?

A.  with           B.  for         C.   and

9) He lost the book. He ______ find it.

A.  have to         B   have       C.  has to

10) There _____ a lot of food on the table.

A.  is             B.  are          C.  be

11) I helped the boy______ the boxes yesterday.

A.  carried        B   carry        C.  carrying

12) You can go when the traffic light is_______.

A.  yellow        B    red          C  green

13) Wake up, Tony. It’s time _____school.

A..  to go         B  for           C.   go to

13) What were you doing? I ____ digging a hole.

A  was           B   were         C    am

14) I have ____ envelopes but I don’t have _____ stamps.

A.  some   any    B   any   some   C  many  any

15) There are two _____ of ______

A  bottles/shampoo  B bottle /shampoos  C bottles/ shampoos

16) ______ ruler is this? It’s gogo’s.

A  who’s        B   Whose        C  What

17) How are you going to go to Beijing? ______plane.

A   . Bye        B   By          C   Buy

18) Next time I _____ find a better car.

A.  will         B.   am          C    going to

19) —— Do you usually find ______? ——Of course!

A . their          B  them         C    then

20) ____ your mother go fishing once a week? Not very often.

A  Do           B  Did          C    Does



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