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六年级英语上册Unit 1-5综合复习卷




单项选择,从所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。  (每小题1分,共15分)

(    ) 1. _________ can they _________ there?

A. What; get to                   B. How; get               C. How; get to

(    ) 2. __________ exciting football match!

A. What a                       B. How                   C. What an

(    ) 3. The park is _________ the zoo _________ Dongfang Street.

A. next;  in                     B. near;  on               C. next to;  at

(    ) 4. You must look __________ before you cross the road in HK.

A. left                          B. right                   C. middle

(    ) 5. Don’t __________ on the grass.

A. running                      B. runs                    C. run

(    ) 6. In the UK, drivers must drive _________ the left side ________ the road.

A. on;  of                      B. at;  of                  C. on;  on

(    ) 7. -- What’s the matter, Jim?          -- I’m ________ my pen, but I can’t _________ it.

A. finding;  look for              B. look for;  find           C. looking for;  find

(    ) 8. -- __________ is John going?      -- To the gym.

A. What                        B. Where                  C. When

(    ) 9. Tom and I ________ going to tell stories _________ the moon.

A. am;  about                   B. are;  about              C. are;  for

(    ) 10. -- ____________?       -- He likes riding a bike.

A. What’s he like                 B. What does he likes        C. What’s his hobby

(    ) 11. _________ your friends _________ in Sydney?

A. Are;  live                    B. Do;  live               C. Does;  live

(    ) 12. -- Can I have _________ coffee, please?      -- Sorry, but we don’t have ________ coffee.

A. some;  any                   B. any;  some             C. any;  any

(    ) 13. My father is a pilot. He works ___________.

A. at an airport                  B. near the sea           C. in a hospital

(    ) 14.-- ____________?        -- A writer.

A. What is your uncle do           B. What does your uncle do   C. What does your uncle’s job

(    ) 15. __________she _________ a head teacher one day?

A. Is; going to do                 B. Does; want to be         C. Is; want to be



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