( )1. -- What do the signs mean, Yang Ling? --______a small house.
A. It means B. It mean C. They mean
( )2. -- There’s a sign there. It means “ No______”. --Yes, we can’t ______in the river.
A. swim; swim B. swimming; swimming C. swimming; swim
( )3. People call the metro “______” in the US.
A. subway B. underground C. metro
( )4.They watch TV_____7:00_____the evening.
A . on; on B. at; on C. at; in
( )5. It means “No parking”. You cannot ______.
A. litter here B. smoke here. C. park your car here
( )6. These signs______ different things.
A. means B. mean C. meaning
( )7. The sign means the floor is ______. You should walk carefully.
A. dirty B. clean C. wet
( )8.Tom______go home last night.
A . doesn’t B. isn’t C. didn’t
( )9. Grandma is sleeping. We______ shout.
A. should B. shouldn’t C. can
( )10. --What______ you______? -- I’m watching TV.
A. did; do B. are; doing C. am; doing
( )11.It’s going to ________ my birthday next Monday.
A. is B. are C. be D./
( )12.Chinese New Year is in January ________ February.
A. and B. or C. but D. with
( )13.Who ________ you English?
A. teach B. teaches C. teacher D. teachers
( )14.What are you going to do on Children’s Day? I ________ my friends.
A. visit B. am visiting C. visited D. am going to visit
( )15.We also call Chinese New Year “ ________ ”.
A. Spring Festival B. Thanksgiving C. Mid-autumn Day D. Christmas
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