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(orange, go, yellow, in , on, rulers, a, an, road, rules, boat, three, there, are, green , stop, )

You must know the traffic ______ if you walk ____ a city. There ___always _____ lights for the traffic lights. You can cross the street at a ______ light and you must ____  at a red light. The _____ light means “Wait’ . If you drive ___ car, you must drive ___ the right side of the _____.

Hello, my name is Sarah. I am ________to the have a busy weekend. On Saturday, I am going to _________ a trip.I am going ________ bike. On_________,I am going to go _________ in the morning.I am going to buy a  _________ T-shirt.In the afternoon, I am going to go to the library. I want to ________ Harry Porter(<<哈里波特>>)there.In the _________,I am going to do my________ after dinner.Then ,I am going to _________TV.That will be nice.

Alice and her sister are twins. Every evening, Alice likes ________ books. Her sister Ann likes _________ cartoons on TV. Alice usually ________ at the park on Saturday. Ann usually ________ kites. Ann is going to ________ kites ________ Amy this weekend. But Alice ________ going to play at the park. She is going to _______ her bike. Tomorrow afternoon she is going to the _______ shop. She wants to _______ a new bike.



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