1 A: ____________________________________?
B: I usually go to school by bus.
2 A: ____________________________________?
B: They go to England by plane.
3 A: ____________________________________?
B: Yes, I can go to Beijing by plane.
4 A: ____________________________________?
B: I like fall best.
5 A: ____________________________________?
B: The tiger is running.
6 A: __________________________________?
B: The school is west of the library.
7 .A: __________________________________?
B: You can go to Canada by plane.
8.A: __________________________________?
B: No, there isn’t a supermarket near my home . supermarket
9.A: __________________________________?
B: I usually clean the room on the weekend..
10.A: __________________________________?
B: My birthday is on June 2nd. June 2nd
11. A: _____________________________________?
B: We are going to play sports this afternoon.
12.A: _______________________________________?
B: Yes, I am going to buy a comic book tonight.
13.A: _______________________________________?
B: No, Mr. Black is going to Shanghai by ship.
14.A: ________________________________________?
B: The boy is going to read books this afternoon.
15.A: ________________________________________?
B: He is going to the zoo by bus.
16.A: _____________________________________?
B: I like listening to music.
17.A: ____________________________________?
B: My mother likes watching TV.
18.A: _____________________________________?
B: They are going to climb mountains this weekend.
B: Yes, Liu Yun goes to school by bus.
20.A: ______________________________________?
B: No, the boy likes reading books.
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