备考期间,考生可以适当放松,同时也要静下心来做好接下来的复习。下文是威廉希尔app 中考频道为您准备了小升初英语必备
( )1、A、postman B、 pilot C、taxi
( )2、A、cinema B、 post officer C、postman
( )3、A、evening B、 businessman C、next week
( )4、A、science B、 scientist C、worker
( )5、A、fishman B、plane C、police officer
( )6、.A.post office B.cinema C.engineer
( )1 does your father do?
A、Where B、How C、What
( )2、My father is a pilot. He works .
A、in a school B、near the sea C、in a hospital
( )3、 does he go to work? ----He goes to work by bus.
A、Where B、How C、What
( )4、Where does the museum shop?
A、It’s a puzzle. B、It’s near the window. C、It’s near the door.
( )5、Tim is a , and he works in a factory.
A、 scientist B、factory worker C、postman
( )6.Tim is going to_____ a policeman.
A.do B.be C.work
( )7、.- What_____your sister _____? -She is an accountant.
A.does; do B.is; doing C.did; do
( ) 8、当你想知道她的职业时,问:
A.What does he do? B. What does she do? C. What do you do?
( )9、John:What does your uncle do?
Chen Jie: _____________ .
A. He’s an engineer. B. He goes to work by bike. C. He likes reading newspapers.
( )10、Sarah:Where does your father work?
Tom: .
A. He likes watching TV. B. He’s a teacher. C. He works in a hospital.
( )11、Amy: What does your aunt do?
A.She likes collecting stamps. B.She’s an actress on TV. C.She is cleaning the room.
( )12、Tom:Do you like English?
Jim: .
A. Yes,I am. B. No,I do. C. Yes,I do.
( )13、 Kate:Does Alice like swimming?
John: .
A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, she does. C. No,she does.
( )1、Where does Tom work? A、I’m going to see a film.
( )2、What are you going to do tomorrow? B、Yes, she does.
( )3、How does he go to work? C、He works at a sea.
( )4、Does she like going hiking? D、He’s a fish man.
( )5、What does your father do? E、 He goes to work by bike
1 .does, father, what, your, do (?) _____________________________________
2 .fisherman, is , mother, your, a (?) _____________________________________
3 .uncle, a, is, my, factory worker (.) _____________________________________
4 .does , father, where, work, your (?) _____________________________________
5 .does , he, how, work, to, go (?) _____________________________________
1. ---- does she do? ----She is a (科学工作者).
2.---- does he work? ----He at sea.
3. ----What does your father do? ------ is a .(教练)
4.----What does your uncle do? -----He is a .(警察)
5. ---- does your father go to work? -----He to work .(骑自行车)
Jack: ________ does your mother do?
Lily:She is ________ accountant.
Jack: ________ does she work?
Lily:She ________in a car company.
Jack: ________ does she go to work?
Lily:She goes to work________ bus.
威廉希尔app 中考频道为您准备了小升初英语必备,预祝大家好运
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