备考期间,考生可以适当放松,同时也要静下心来做好接下来的复习。下文是威廉希尔app 中考频道为您准备了错题归纳
( )1.Ben often ______ with his parents in the park after dinner.
A.walk B.walked C.walks
( )2.I like Science. It is________interesting subject.
A. a B.an C.the
( )3.It______ all day.We couldn’t play football in the park.
A. rain B.rainy C.rained
( )4.The bus stopped and two men _______ off.
A.gets B.is getting C.got
( )5.There ________ some black clouds in the sky.
A .were B.are C.was
( )6.Mike _______ go to school today because he was ill.
A.wasn’t B. didn’t C.isn’t
( )7._________ you play the piano ten years ago? No, I couldn’t.
A. Can B.Did C.Could
( )8.Were you at home last Sunday? No. I________ to the park.
A.was B.went C.did
( )9.What ________ you do two years ago?
A.can B.did C.could
( )10.They are having a(n)__lesson.They are learning the new words.
A.English B.Art C.PE
( )11.He wrote________ to his friends twenty years ago.
A.pictures B.letters C.newspapers
( )12.Bobby and Sam_____in the forest. They _______many monkeys in front of them.
A.walk;look B.walk;find C.walk on;look for
( )13.What do these _____mean? They __“No swimming” and “Danger”.
A.signs;means B.signs;mean C.sign;means
( )14.In the UK,people call the metro____.
In the US,people call it_____.
A.subway;underground B.underground;subway C.subway;subway
( )15.What _______ the cinema dirty? __________makes it dirty.
A.makes;Rubbish B.make;Signs C.keeps; Rubbish
( )16.________ the river dirty? Yes. The fish _______ dead.
A.is;are B.Is;are C. Is;is
( )17.We should not cut down too many trees. It’s bad______the Earth.
A.of B.to C.for
( )18.Helen _______us _______her hobbies.
A.tells;to B.tells;about C.talks;to
威廉希尔app 中考频道为您准备了错题归纳,希望大家在考试中取得优异的成绩
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