1.It’s a picture ______ the Great Wall. A.about B.of C.on
2.Daming is ______America. A.visit B.visiting C.visited
3.The American flag has got_____stars. A.fifty B.fifty-two C.forty-eight
4.Now you can have _____Chinese stamp. A.other B.othersC.another
5.I live in New york,but I am not______.A.USA B.American C.America
6.She’s got an email _____French.A.with B.for C.in
7.Daming says he will write ____you soon.A.to B./ C.for
8.Daming____got two brothers.A.have B.has C.having
9.Give____ your address.A.I B.my C.me
10.Here is_____email.A.a B./ C.an
11.How often______she go swimming?A.do B.does C.doing D.did
12.Good food and exercises____me to study better.A.help B.helps C.helping D.to help
13.I’m making a list ____things I like doing.A.of B.in C.at D.to
14.There’re three______in an office.A.police B.policeman C.policemen
15.My sister is badly ill.She is_____hospital.A.in B.in the C./ D.the
16.I t’s Learn Chinese_____Four Weeks.A.for B.at C.in
17.Why is the snake_______out of the box?A.come B.comes C.coming
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