备考期间,考生可以适当放松,同时也要静下心来做好接下来的复习。下文是威廉希尔app 中考频道为您准备了期末复习题
1.hobby(复数) __________ 2.boxes(单数)________ 3.there(同义词)_______
4.open(反义词)__________5.easy (反义词)_________6.third(基数词)_______
7.watch(第三人称单数)_______________ 8.I (宾格)¬¬¬_____________
9.go fishing(汉语意思)_____________10.make a wish(汉语意思)________
( )1.Can I have look,please ? A. Yes,I’d like some milk.
( )2.What does he do on Sundays? B. OK.
( )3.When do you have lunch? C. I’m interested in dancing.
( )4.What are you ibterested in ? D. Yes.it is.
( )5.Happy birthday to you ! E. Yes, please.
( )6.Let’s sing the birthday song. F. I often have lunch at 12:00.
( )7. Is your hobby cooking? G. I’d like a star-shaped one.
( )8.Would you like a piece of cake ? H. He often plays football.
( )9. What kind of cake would you like ? I. Thank you.
( )10. can I help you? J. Sure.
( )1.I go to school _____8:00 ________in the moring.
A. at, in B. at, on C. in, in
( )2.The farmers are busying ________.
A. harvesting B. harvest C. to harvest
( )3.What ________sping like ?
A. do B. is C. does
( )4.Thers are a lot of flowers on the ________.
A. peach trees B. peaches tree C. peaches trees
( )5. Do you want to ________fishing with me ?.
A.go B. going C. goes
( )6. ________ a supper kid !
A. How B. What C. What’s
( )7. I’d like ________, please,
A.a cake B. an cake C.a picec of cake
( )8. Let’s blow ________ the candles first.
A. on B. in C. out
( )9. My grandma ________cooking !
A. like B. doesn’t like C. don’t like
( )10. Everyone ________ the sping.
A. enjoy B. enjoys C. enjoyies
威廉希尔app 中考频道为您准备了期末复习题,预祝大家好运,考上理想的学校
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