( ) 1. Lee ________ his mobile phone at home.
A. was left B. has left C. had left D. left
( ) 2. ______ you _______ me? I thought I ________ you calling me.
A. Did, call, heard B. Have, called, heard
C. Have, called, have heard D. Were, call, heard
( ) 3. _____ he ________ a good rest? No, he didn’t.
A. Have, had B. Did, have C. Did, had D. Had, had
( ) 4. As soon as he ________, he ______ to his family.
A. arrived, writes B. arrived, written
C. arrived, wrote D. had arrived, write
( ) 5. Mr. Black was late because he _______ his way.
A. lose B. had lost C. has lost D. lost
( ) 6. How long _________ you _______ here?
A. did, study in B. have, study
C. have studied D. has, studied w W .x K b 1.c o M
( ) 7. When _________ Lee ________ school this morning?
A. had, got to B. did, get to C. did, get D. did, got to
( ) 8. Will you please say it again? I ________ quite _______ you.
A. didn’t, hear B. haven’t, heard
C. didn’t, heard D. hadn’t, heard
( ) 9. ______ you ________ at six o’clock yesterday?
A. Do ,get up B. Did, get up C. Do, got up D. Did, got up
( ) 10.What did you see _________?
A. now B. every day C. since 1990 D. just now
( ) 11.He went into the room and _______ the door.
A. lock B. locking C. locks D. locked
( ) 12. —What _____ you _______ last week?
—I bought a bag.
A. did ,buy B. did , bought C. do, buy D. do, bought
( ) 13. —_____ he ____ his lunch?
— Yes, he did.
A. Have ,had B. Had, has C. Did, have D. Did, had
( )14.—Did the thieves _____ into the car?
—No, they______.
A. fell, didn’t B. fall, did C. jump, didn’t D. jump, did
( ) 15. —When did May come back from Hong Kong?
—She _____ from Hong Kong last Friday.
A. come back B. comes back
C. returned back D. came back
( ) 16. ____ she _____ this dictionary in the bookshop nearby last week?
A. Did, buy B. Does, buy C. Did, bought D. Does, buys
( ) 17. He ____ to the station this morning and was______ for the train.
A. hurry, in time B. hurries, on time
C. hurried, in time D. hurried, at time
( ) 18. Where _____ Uncle Sun yesterday?
A. was B. were C. did D. does
( ) 19. —Have you seen him today?
—Yes, I ____ him this morning.
A. has seen B. see C. will see D. saw
( ) 20. He ______ worried when he heard the news.
A. is B. was C. does D. did
( )21、we can go to school metro.
A. take B. on C.by
( )22、 you throw fruit skin in the bin?
A.Did B.Are C.Were
( )23、 your kitchen messy?
A.Is B.Does C.Can
( )24、Smoke factories are dirty.
A.of B.makes C.from
( )25、My mother to work every day.
A.on foot B.walk C.walks
( )26、We can sweep the floor keep the room clean.
A.for B.to C.from
( )27、What your school dirty?
A.make B.makes C.making
( )28、I like the city.
A.live B.living C.living in
( )29、You throw fruit skins into the river.
A.should B.shouldn’t C.can
( )30、Shall we move the factories our country?
A.away to B.away from C.away for
1. How is Jane yesterday?
2. He go to school by bus last week.
3. He often goes home at 6:00 last month.
4. I can fly kites seven years ago.
5. Did you saw him just now.
6. Tom wasn’t watch TV last night.
7. I didn’t my homework yesterday.
8. He wait for you three hours ago.
9. Who find it just now ?
10. What did he last week?
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