因为每位学生对知识点的掌握程度不同,复习进度也不同。威廉希尔app 小学频道为大家提供了复习测试题
一. 按字母表顺序填写所缺字母。9%
e k Q V
二. 英汉互译。20%
1. 中学 2. 理想 3. 马铃薯 4. 医院
5. 餐馆 6. classmate 7. roast
8. wrong 9. each other 10. remember
二.情景交际 。10%
( )1.当你想对朋友说:“我可以帮助你学习数学。”这句话可以翻译成:
A.I can help you with your Math.
B、I can help you.
C、Don’t worry. I can help you with your English.
D、I will help you.
( )2.当你想知道Lily今天感觉怎么样,应该问:
A.How about your day, Lily?
B、How are you today,Lily?
C、What’s wrong with you, Lily?
D、What about you, Lily?
( )3. 当你的同班同学担心他们的英语学习时,你会说
A.Don’t worry. I’ll help you with your Chinese.
B、Don’t worry. I’ll help you with your English.
C、I’ll help you with your Math.
D、I can help you with your Science.
( )4、“今天是星期四。”应该翻译为:
A.It’s Tuesday today.
B、It’s Wednesday today.
C、It’s Saturday today.
D、It’s Thursday today.
( )5、“我们今天早上有音乐课。”应该翻译为:
A.We have Math classes this morning.
B、We have art classes this afternoon.
C、We have music classes this morning.
D、We have music classes this afternoon.
at about in on with
1.She went to my wedding the winter vacation.
2. Ducks and chickens live land.
3. There are many penguins the South Pole.
4. They feed their babies vegetables.
5. Don’t worry your mother and father.
1. Where did you go? I saw a flower show.
2. How was the weather there? I went to Guangzhou.
3. What’s your favorite subject? Yes, I do.
4. What did you do there? PE. I like running.
5. Do you like your class? It was sunny and warm.
go to see the ice carvings play at the seaside learn English
climb a mountain have a cold go to the fair
watch New Year Programs read an interesting book
( )1. Mother’s Day is coming. I want to make a card for my mom.
( )2. She’s a singer. She can make people strong and healthy.
( )3.A: Any drinks? B: Roast beef and vegetables.
( )4. Ben has a fever. His mom will take him to the supermarket.
( )5. Hens live on land. They can’t swim. They can give us eggs.
威廉希尔app 小学频道为大家提供了复习测试题,预祝大家好运,考上理想的学校。
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