备考期间,考生可以适当放松,同时也要静下心来做好接下来的复习。下文是威廉希尔app 中考频道为您准备了期末复习试卷
一. 选择。
( )1、It’s _____book,and it’s ____ English book.
A、a , a B、a , an C、an , a,
( )2、I like playing ______piano. Jack likes playing ______ football.
A、/ ; the B、the;the C、the; /
( )3、The library is on the _______ floor. A、third B、three C、fiveth
( )4、I had a very funny day____ Saturday. A、on B、in C、at
( )5、It’s time ___ school .Let’s ____. A、for;go B、for;to go C、to ; go
( )6、Whose schoolbag is that ? It’s ____. A、Tom’s B、my sister C、my
( )7、How many ______ can you see. A、sheeps B、sheepes C、sheep
( )8、__________ is the post office from our school?
A、How old B、How many C、How far
( )9、It’s a quarter _____eight .It’s time for breakfast. A、to B、/ C、for
( )10、—Do you have a dictionary? —__________ .
A、No, I don’t B、Yes, I don’t C、Yes, I can
( )11、Let’s _____ to school together . A、go B、going C、to go
( )12、Did you ______ pictures yesterday? A、took B、take C、taking
( )13、My bag is ______and ______ than yours
A、bigger ;heavy B、bigger;heavier C、 small; lighter
( )14、I usually ______ the room. A、cleaned B、cleans C、clean
( )15、Is Marry tall ____ short ? A、or B、and C、with
( )1.Listen! The birds _____ in the tree. A. is singing B. sing C. are singing
( )2.There is ____ English film in ____ cinema tomorrow evening.
A.the/a B.an/the C.a/the
( )3. My father usually ___out for a walk after supper. A.going B.goes C.to go
( )4. Chen Jie likes ______. A. go skiing B. goes skiing C. going skiing
( )5. ----Is everybody _______ at classroom ? ---- Yes , they are .
A. stay B. staies C. staying
( )6.-Would you like to come to my birthday party?-____.
A.I’d like B.I’d love C.I’d love to
( )7. Are you ______a good time ? A. have B. has C. having
1、I ________(go) to the cinema last Saturday.
2、My mother _____(wash) the plates in the kitchen every day.
3、I can ________ (listen ) to the radio on Sunday.
4、Look, Miss White ______(have ) an English lesson.
5、The old woman ________(run) every morning.
6、School is over. The students can ________ (play) games
7、Listen, who _______ (speak) English in the park?
8、My brother _______________ (go) to Shanghai next week
9、My hands are dirty. Let me _____(go) and _____ (wash ) them.
10. _______ your parents _______ (read) newspapers every day?
11. The girl _______ (teach) us English on Sundays.
12. She and I ________ (take) a walk together every evening.
13. There ________ (be) some water in the bottle.
14.Mary ____________ (visit) her grandparents tomorrow.
15. I ______ (watch) a cartoon on Saturday.
16. Her father _______ (read) a newspaper last night.
威廉希尔app 中考频道为您准备了期末复习试卷,预祝大家考试顺利
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