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因为每位学生对知识点的掌握程度不同,复习进度也不同。威廉希尔app 小学频道为大家提供了复习试题

(     )1. I can’t carry _________.

A. they         B. them         C. their       D. theirs

(     )2. We are ________ the supermarket.

A. at           B. on          C. under      D. behind

(     )3. The ______ are falling down the stairs.

A. orange     B. orangess     C. oranges     D. an orange

(     )4. We are going to ________ Beijing.

A. visits        B. visiting       C. visited         D. visit

(     )5. There _______ a book and two pens on the desk.

A. are         B. has         C. is            D. have

(     )6. He’s talking to her friend, _____ the phone is ringing.

A. but         B. or           C. and         D. so

(     )7. I want _____ a map of China.

A. is buying      B. buy       C. to buy      D. bought

(     )8. Do you like ___________?

A. swim    B. swimming    C. are swimming    D. swim, too

(     )9. They often help__________.

A. I         B. mine          C. my         D. me

(     )0. Is it a picture ________ your school?

A. at         B. in           C. of         D. with

(     )11. What’s wrong _________ you?

A. from       B. with         C. for       D. at

(     )12. We’ll come to your house ________ half _______ hour.

A. on, a         B. in, a        C. on, an        D. in, an

(     )13. It’s 10 o’clock. Ben _______ TV in the bedroom.

A. is watching   B. watch    C. watches   D. are watching

(     )14. –Is this T-shirt ________ ? – Yes, it’s _________

A. your, mine   B. yours, mine   C. yours, my    D. your, my

(     )15. –Is your friend a boy or a girl?

A. Yes, it is        B. No         C. A boy        D. a boy

(     )16. I get home ________ 4:40 in the afternoon.

A. in         B. with         C. on         D. at

(     )17. _______ talk in the library.

A. Don’t       B. Not        C. No         D. don’t

(     )18. How many boys ________ there in the room?

A. is          B. have        C. are         D. has

(     )19. --__________ is the weather today?  --- It’s fine.

A. What         B. How        C. Who        D. Where

(     )20. My father _________ a doctor.

A. are          B. is         C. am          D. ‘s

威廉希尔app 小学频道为大家提供了复习试题,预祝大家好运,考上理想的学校。


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