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(     )1. Look! There is ________ “a” in the word “chair”.

A. a          B. an        C.         D. the

(     )2. It’s my ________ bike.

A. brother     B. brothers    C. brother’s    D. brothers’

(     )3. Go back to _______ seat.

A. you         B. your         C. he       D. him

(     )4. please give _________ the apple.

A. my          B. mine         C. I        D. me

(     )5. There ________ a pen and two pencils in the pencil-box.

A. is            B. are           C. have      D. has

(     )6. ________ play football in the classroom.

A. Not         B. don’t         C. Don’t       D. No

(     )7. My father ________ to Shanghai last week.

A. go         B. goes          C. going         D. went

(     )8. __________ nice the dog is!

A. What       B. How       C. What a        D. How a

(     )9. Jack often _________ water for the old man.

A. carry       B. carried      C. carries      D. carrying

(     )10. She gets up _______ six ________ the morning.

A. at, in        B. at, on         C. in, in        D. in, on

(     )11. _______ Kate’s mother ________ lunch at home?

A. Do, have    B. Does, have    C. Does, has     D. Do, has

(     )12. I________ dinner at 7:00 on Sundays.

A. don’t has           B. doesn’t have

C. don’t, have         D. doesn’t, has

(     )13. –Is your father working?   --No, ________.

A. she isn’t     B. he isn’t      C. he is       D. she is

(     )14. It’s a present ________ you. Happy birthday _______ you.

A. to, to         B. for, for        C. to, for       D. for, to

(     )15. He’s from England. He can _________ English.

A. tell          B. speak         C. say        D. talk

(     )16. I ________ going to ________ fishing.

A. am, going     B. am, go      C. was, going     D. was, go

(     )17. I ________ the room every day.

A. clean       B. cleans       C. am cleaning    D. cleaned

(     )18. ________ ! The teacher is coming.

A. See         B. Look          C. Look at       D. Watch

(     )19. His sister ________ a new bed.

A. is         B. have         C. there is        D. has

(     )20. We can ________ a baseball team.

A. has         B. is           C. have        D. are



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