( 一)判断下列的句子与短文是否相符,用“√”和“×”表示:
Dear Lucy,
Please come to my thirteenth birthday party at 5 p.m. this Saturday. Now let me tell you how to come:
1. Start from the bus stop in front of your home.
2. Get on the No. 28 bus.
3. Get off at the Dongguan Library.
4. Walk west for 5 minutes.
5. Find the blue building on the right.
6.Look for me near the door.
Yours, Sam
( ) 1 Lucy is 13 years old.
( ) 2 Lucy can take the No.28 bus to Sam’s home.
( ) 3 Dongguan Library is west of Sam’s home.
( ) 4 Sam’s home is not far from Dongguan Library.
( ) 5 The building Sam lives in is white.
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