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(   )1、I  go to schooi by bike. What about you?

A、 Yes,I do.  B、I go by bus. C、I have a bike.

(    )  2、You can _______a No.5 bus to get there.

A、by    B、take   C、on

(    )3、Turn left _______the cinema.

A、at   B、for C、 off

(   )4、In  Australia,drivers drive on the ______side of the road.

A、 right  B、left  C、every

(    )5、Look at the children.They _____near the lake.

A、fly  kites   B、are flying kites C、are going to fly kites

(    )6、I _____the Great Wall next month.

A、 am visiting B、 visit  C、am going to visit

(   )7、They ___shopping this weekend.

A、 go B、are going  C、are going to

(   )8、I’m going to the bookstore ______my friend.

A、 to  B、and C 、with

(   )9、A:_______are you going?

B:I am going at 3 o’clock tomorrow.

A、When   B、Where  C、What

(    )10、____he like swimming ?A、Do B、Is  C、Does

(  )11、Amy and Betty ____singing and dancing.

A .like  B、likes C、liking

(    )12.Look,he is_____actor and his mother is____TV reporter.

A、 an,a  B、a,an  C、a, a

(   )13.A:What does she do? B:She__________.

A、 is a teacher B、teaches math C、is a mother

(   )14_______does  he go to school? A、Where  B、How  C、What

(   )15.Does  the water come ____the cloud?A.in  B.at  C. from

(   )16.Where  _____the vapour come from?A. do  B.does  C.is

(   )17.Can you go with ________?A. he  B.hers  C. me

(    )18.What’s your father like? A.He likes swimming.B.He’s a doctor.C.He’s tall.

(    )19A:.What does she do?  B:  She________.

A  .teaches English  B.likessinging  C.issinging

(   )20.She often plays _____piano,but she doesn’t play_______football.

A.  ,   B.the ,  C. , the

(    )21.We ______to visit our grandparents yesterday afternoon.

A. go  B.goes  C.  went

(   )22.The _______ are running on the grass. A .sheep B. goat  C.monkey

(   )23._______________________?It’s blue .

A.What colour is your bag? B.Where is your bag ? C.How much is your bag?

(   )24.A:__________?He sang and danced.

A.What did he do in Xinjiang?  B.What does he do in Xinjiang?

C.What is he doing in Xinjiang?

(   )25.The sun is ________than the moon.  A.big  B .bigger  C.biger

(    )26.Her bag is heavier than__________. A.my  B.mine C me

(   )27.What’s the matter _______you? A.with  B. of   C .

(   )28.There are _________on the lake .A.agoose  B.some  geese  C. white goose

(  )29.Did you help them ________the room?A.cleaned  B. clean  C.cleaning

(   )30.Are you thin and tall? A.Yes,I’m.  BNo,I am.  C。Yes,I am.

(   )31.What’s the date today? A.It’sSunday. B.It’s June 8 th. C.It’s on June 8th.

(   )32.Thank you for ______me with my lesson.. A。help B. to help C. helping

(  )33.—Hello!7789523.-------Hello!______________Tom?No,_________Jim.

A. Is that, this is  B.Are you, ,I am  C.Is that,I’m

(   )34.I’d like ____some English stories. A. read  B.to read  C.reading

(    )35.I like _______stamps.  A. to  collect  B.collecting  C.collect

(   )36.Don’t read ___the sun.  A. in   B.on.  C.at

(    )37.________ your pen pal ____TV at night?

A .Do…watch  B.Does…watches  C .Does…watch

(   )38.I ______the clothes yesterday morning. A.wash  B.washed  C.am washing

(   )39.Did you have a party? A.Yes ,I  did.  B.Yes,I do.  C. Yes,I am.

( )40.I am going ________an accountant.  A.to be  B.be  C.being



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