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1. —Is this ______ watch? (you)  —No, it’s not ______ . (I)

2. She is a ______ student. And she can skate ______. (better)

3. My ears are ______(big) than ______(he).

4. SuYang _____(dance) as____(good)as SuHai.

5. I want ___       up carrots. But my dad ______ all of them last week. (pull)

6. It’s often______(rain) in my hometown in summer. It ______ (rain) now.

7. How about______(go) ______(jog) in the park?

8. Tom is doing ______ (well) in ______ (skate) than David.

9. Helen,______ (listen) to the teacher now.

10. There         (be) some glue in the bottle.

11. Last week we ______ (have) a _______ (run) race at school.

12. Here is a photo of ______ (I) family for you. May I have one of ________ ( you )?

13. Who_______ ( go) to bed ________(early) ,Helen or Nancy?

14. I want to _________(meet; met ) him one day .

15. Your father______(look, looks)_________(thin thinner) than your mother.

16. Look! They’re________ (have a chat ). (用所给词的适当形式填空)

17. In summer, it often _______ ( rain). Look, it _________( rain) outside.

18. Would you like            the English song?Yes,I like               .(sing)

19. I     (be) taller than     (he).But    (he)eyes     (be)bigger than      (I).

20. Don’t talk!We          (have) a Maths lesson.



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