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备考期间,考生可以适当放松,同时也要静下心来做好接下来的复习。下文是威廉希尔app 中考频道为您准备了复习测试题



1.              2.               3.             4.              5.

6.              7.               8.             9.              10.

(   ) sprout (   ) writer   (   ) doctor (   ) leaf     (   ) plant trees

(   ) diving  (   ) on foot (   )swimming   (   )do morning exercises

(   ) read a magazine


(   ) 1. A. come  B. doing   C. reading    D. going

(   ) 2. A. evening  B. afternoon   C. weekend  D. morning

(   ) 3. A. bike      B. bus     C. black      D.ship

(   ) 4. A. south     B. east     C. north   D. tomorrow

(   ) 5. A. actress  B. vapour   C. actor   D. accountant


(   ) 1.           do you go hiking?      On foot.

A. What          B. How     C. Who

(   ) 2. Thank you for         .

A. come          B. comes      C. coming

(   ) 3. I’m going to the park________ my friend.

A. with       B. to       C. for

(   ) 4. We are going to buy a football           Sunday.

A. on            B. at             C.in

(   ) 5. You can see many __________ in the library.

A. book     B. books      C. shoe

(   ) 6. Every one must know the traffic          .

A. rules          B. policeman  C. books

(   ) 7. What           you           next week?

A. are, doing      B. do, do      C. are, going to do

(   ) 8.          your aunt work in a factory?

A. Is        B. Does       C. Do

(   ) 9. Yellow light means “        ”.

A. Stop            B. Go             C. Wait

(   ) 10. Liu Yun’s brother is ________ artist

A. an     B. a        C. /


1. on,often,go,I,to,  foot,school(.)


2. pen pal,in,  Does,  Shanghai,your,  live(?)


3. He,  by,  to,  goes,  work,bike(.)


4. this,to,What,going,you,are,do,evening (?)


5. the,comes,clouds,rain,from,The(.)



(Ⅰ)                (Ⅱ)

(   ) 1. When is National Day?     A. I’m reading books.

(   ) 2. Thank you!        B. You can take the bus.

(   ) 3. What are you going to do?    C. I’m going to play chess.

(   ) 4. How can I get there?      D. You are welcome.

(   ) 5. What are you doing?     E. It’s Oct. 1st.


Hello! This is a picture of my pen pal. Her name is Mary. She lives in Shenzhen. Her

father is a doctor. He goes to work on foot. Her mother is a nurse. She goes to work on foot, too.

Mary’s school is very far. She goes to school by bus every day. She is a good student.

(   ) 1. My pen pal is Mary.

(   ) 2. Mary’s father is a nurse.

(   ) 3. Mary’s mother is a doctor

(   ) 4. Mary’s parents go to work on foot.

(   ) 5. Mary’s school is near her home.


My weekend

假设这个周末你想去书店买书,请你以“My weekend”为题,写写你将要去的


威廉希尔app 中考频道为您准备了复习测试题,预祝大家好运,考上理想的学校。


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