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备考期间,考生可以适当放松,同时也要静下心来做好接下来的复习。下文是威廉希尔app 中考频道为您准备了模拟试卷


得分 评卷人



(   )1.A.month    B.son   C.broke    (   )2.A.ate     B.place   C.any

(   )3.A.read    B.break   C.great    (   )4.A.fine    B.nice    C.dig

(   )5.A.sea    B.weather    C.healthy  (   )6.A.wood  B.foot  C.too

(   )7.A.plenty  B.enough  C.vegetables   (   )8.A.hospital  B.across  C.stomachache

(   )9.A.playing  B.studying  C.see        (   )10.A.hour  B.snow C.how


A.dress   B.trumpet   C.He is unhealthy   D.animal   E.present  F.clever

G.clean the window   H.had fun with friends   I.ran   J.science

(   )  (   )    (   )      (   )          (   )

(   )    (   )   (   )      (   )        (   )

得分 评卷人


A.summer B.many C.behind D.weren’t E.windy  F.won’t  G.London  H.cloud  I.in  J.famous

K. Pigsy  L.Sandy  M.Goofy  N.coming  O.birthday P.happy Q.goofy  R.sweeping   S.young   T.clever

1.There are so         buildings in Shanghai now.

2.      holiday is coming.

3.London Bridge is     all over the world.

4.The hospital is        the cinema.

5.I      have a picnic tomorrow.

6.There        any big shopping malls before.

7.I was in

8.There will be       tomorrow.

9.It will be          next Monday.

10.My books is       the bag.

11.My classmate is        and

12.My dad is         the floor.

13.The Zhu Bajie name is

14.The Sha Wujing name is

15.The dog is            16.The typhoon was          yesterday

17.Today is my brother’s           ,I am so

18.She got a “E” in her test,She is

得分 评卷人


The S        of L            The G        Wall of         Zhe B         P

A E      (The P         ) The E       T

得分 评卷人


(   )1.Tom usually       up his bedroom on Sunday.

A.cleans    B.cleaned   C.will clean

(   )2.We        water now.We are        now.

A.are drinking;hungry   B.drank;thirsty   C.are drinking;thirsty

(   )3.He doesn’t        from China.    A.come    B.came    C.coming

(   )4.      a beautiful desert!

A.how   B.what   C.What

(   )5.They        a test tomorrow.But Jenny is sad now.

A.are going to take    B.took    C.takes

(   )6.It’ll be        in the evening,but there will be       tomorrow.

A.rain;sunny   B.rainy; wind   C.snow;snowy

(   )7.Can you take out the trash,please?----

A.Sorry,I am busy now.   B.No,I can’t    C.Sure,I’ll take it out tomorrow

(   )8.Are these books yours?Please

A.Put them away   B.put it away   C.put them away

(   )9.Can you help      sweep the floor  ?

A.me   B.my  C.mine

(   )10.It’s time       lunch.

A.have  B.to have   C.for

(   )11.     beautiful the boy is!  A.what   B.how   C.How

(   )12.Many birds are       the tree.   A.to   B.in    C.on

(   )13.I saw some apples       the tree.   A.to    B.in   C.on

(   )14.Will there be rain next week? A.Yes there will   B.Yes,it will  C.No,it won’t

(   )15.Jenny has a toothache.She should

A.eat some cotton candy  B.see the dentist   C.go on vacation

(   )16.Did you go to the park?

A.No,we didn’t     B.Yes,we didn’t   C.No,I did.

(   )17.Did you       a noise?  A.listen   B.heard   C.hear

(   )18.I have two       of flowers.  A.loaves   B.bunches   C.bunch

(   )19.Don’t       on the grass.  A.walk    B.running   C.walked

(   )20.Tim got a poor grade.He was         A.happy   B.excited  C.upset

(   )21.A:Where were they yesterday?      B:

A.I was at home   B.They are at school   C.They were at school

(   )22.What color is the shoes ?  It’s

A.yellow    B.Monday    C.May

(   )23.It’s a very good place for        A.camping   B.camps   C.camp

(   )24.Don’t cross the street.The traffic light isn’t

A.green   B.yellow   C.red

(   )25.What day is it today?  Today is

A.Thu    B.monday    C.May

(   )26.What’s the date today?

A.It was June   B.It’s July    C.Today is June 1st

(   )27.Do you like dancing?

A.No,I don’t.I like dancing   B.No,I didn’t   C.No,I like playing soccer

(   )28.A.Is it cheap or expensive ?    B.

A.It’s expensive   B.It’s cheap   C.Yes,It’s cheap

(   )29.Don’t stay up late.It’s bad for your

A.healthy   B.heath   C.make health

(   )30.Can you turn off the light,please?   A.No,I can’t  B.Sorry,I’m busy now.  C.Yes

(   )31.The night isn’t         Please

A.bright,turn off the light.  B.dark,turn left  C.bright,turn on the light

(   )32.My father is          .He like        now

A.high,singing    B.tall,singing  C.tall ,dance

(   )33.The hospital is        the bank.

A.in front of   B.across from   C.behind

(   )34.Please         the street.The light is green.

A.go across   B.across   C.across from

(   )35.The traffic lights are the        in all the countries.

A.same   B.different  C.I don’t know

(   )36.Why was Tony tired?Because he

A.watch TV   B.stayed up late   C.stay up late

(   )37.Who’s the first Chinese spaceman in China?

A.Liu Yang  B.Wang Yuping   C.Yang Liwei

(   )38.Yang Liwei traveled into space on

A.Shenzhou8   B.Shenzhou9   C.Shenzhou10

(   )39.There are         cool things in the fun park. A.much   B.lots of   C.a lot

(   )40.       plenty of vegetables is good for us.   A.Drinking  B.Getting   C.Eating

得分 评卷人


1.going , the , park, he, to, is .

2.did ,you ,what, the, before ,day, do, yesterday?

3.should, clean ,you ,up, room ,the.

4.I,late, woke ,and, up ,bus, missed, the.

5.did, stay ,up, why ,you,late?

6.tomorrow ,with, they, are ,to,going, friends, play.

7.were, you, where, yesterday?    8.at ,cinema, the, I ,was.

9.you ,why , are ,excited?     10.I, got,  because , nice, a ,gift.

得分 评卷人


Last     (A.summer  B.fall) holiday I was    (A.on  B.in) the hospital.It was August.My friends        (A.was  B.were)on       (A.vacation  B.trip),but I couldn’t have       (A.any  B.some )fun.The   (A.bank  B.hospital)food was    (A.yucky  B.Happy).It was a     (A.Bad  B.bad)summer.I am OK now.I     (A.played B.playing)tennis yesterday.It was      (A.bad  B.happy).

威廉希尔app 中考频道为您准备了模拟试卷,希望大家抓紧时间复习,在考试中取得好的成绩。


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