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I栏                                   II栏

(     )1. When do you get up?                 A. You’re welcome.

(     )2. Did her sister play football?       B. It’s Mike’s.

(     )3. What's your  father do?             C.I get  up at six.

(     )4. Thank you very much?                D. No , I can’t.

(     )5. How does your mother go?            E. Yes, she did.

(     )6. Are these books yours?              F. That’s all right.

(     )7. What’s the weather like there?     G. No, they’re hers.

(     )8. Can you help me?                    H. By bike .

(     )9. Whose kite is this?                 I. Sunny and warm.

(     )10. Let’s clean the room!             J. He’s a teacher.


1.Look!the boys                      (fight)on the playground.

2.He                     (go) to the park yesterday afternoon.

3.                       (not) run in the room after class.

4.Mike                          (get) up at 6:00 tomorrow morning.

5.How many            (foot)               (do) an elephant have?


A. Where is it?                                  B. How can I get there?

C. Thank you very much.                  D. What are you doing to do there?

E. Is it far from here?      F. That's OK.          G. When are you going ?

A: Excuse me, I'm new here. I want to go to the bookstore.

B: It's north of the post office.

A:                                              B: Yes ,it is .

A:                               .

B: You can go by the No.14 bus. Get off at the science museum, and then turn left .You can see it.

A: I'm going to buy a story book.                 B: You're welcome.


(      ) 1.A.clean     B.help         C.room         D.climb

(      ) 2.A.who       B.did          C.where        D.how long

(      ) 3.A.ate       B.took         C. danced       D. listen

(      ) 4.A.summer    B.season       C. spring       D. fall

(      ) 5.A.taller    B.teacher       C.older        D.younger

(      ) 6.A.north     B.fourth       C.south        D.east

(      ) 7.A.play      B.wash         C. look         D. book

(      ) 8.A.actor     B.singer       C. sister       D. doctor

(      ) 9. A.tired     B.worked       C. excited      D. bored

(      )10. A.lives     B.teach       C.goes        D.watches


1. My mother gets up at 5:30 in the morning .  (改为一般疑问句)

2. He played football  on the playground  yesterday.(对画线部分提问)

3. Did she go to school on foot yesterday afternoon?(给出否定回答)

4. Do they go home at 11:45 in the morning? (给出肯定回答)

5. We go to school at 6:00 everyday.(用 yesterday 改换句子)

6. They like eating some bananas in the morning.(改为否定句)



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