一. 写出下面的单词.(26)
更高的 更小的 更瘦的 更长的
更重的 更年轻的 更年老的
更大的 更壮的 更短的
多高 多重 多大尺码
kilogram dinosaur lower countryside smarter
together shadow go down became
在一起 恐龙 更低的 每天
乡村 千克 更聪明的
落下 影子 成长
low ___________ strong __________ smart _________
heavy ___________ sunny ___________ sad ___________
small ___________ big ___________ thin ___________
( ) 1、I’m 47 kilograms. You’re 45 kilograms. I’m ______ than you. A. thinner B. bigger C. heavier
( ) 2、-______ are you? -I’m 1.64 metres.
A. How old B. How tall C. How heavy
( ) 3、My feet are bigger than ______.
A. yours B. you C. your
( )4、I’m 11 years old. I’m 2 years younger than my brother.
He’s ______ years old.
A. 15 B. 13 C. 9
( )5、He is stronger and taller than ______.
A. my B. I C. me
( )6、He is heavier than ______ of us together.
A. both B. about C. either
( )7、The sun __________down every day.
A. go B. going C. goes
( )8. Your shadow is getting ___________.
A. low and lower B. longer and longer C. longer and long
( )9. Mike and his family ________going on a trip..
A. is B. am C. are
( )10、I think the giraffe is than most of the animals in the zoo.
A. taller B. younger C. smaller
1、Sarah’s, is, than, skirt, longer, mine (.)
2、2cm, taller, is, Tom, he, than (.)
3、older, stronger, and, Zhang Peng, is, than, him (.)
4、heavy, are , how, you (?)
5、than, I, are, think, you, heavier, me (.)
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