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备考期间,考生可以适当放松,同时也要静下心来做好接下来的复习。下文是威廉希尔app 中考频道为您准备了期末复习题


上周末                       待在家里                    睡觉

洗衣服                               打扫卫生

渴茶                    昨天                  看电视

读书                   看电影                 感冒

二.单词配对,写出 下确的单词(12)

hotel     fixed     broken chair     lamp    hamburgers    didn’t work

kitchen     tasted      listen to music    busy   Saturday   Sunday

损坏的椅子___________  周日___________ 不工作___________灯________

忙碌的________  厨房___________品尝____________修理________________

酒店___________ 汉堡____________周六___________ 听音乐_________

三、写出下面动词的过去式 (15分)

play _________  go___________ want__________ wash__________ do________


sleep_________ stay___________ see__________ watch________ drink________


(    ) 1、-What did you do ______?  -I did my homework with Amy.       A. next week     B. tomorrow    C. yesterday

(    )2、Is there ______ I can do for you?

A. something else    B. anything else   C. else

(    )3、-______ was your weekend?   -It was OK, thank you.

A. Where      B. How     C. What

(    )4、-Did you read the ______?

-Yes, I did. It talked about some interesting films.

A. film magazine    B. comic book    C. storybook

(    )5、______ you ______ swimming last weekend?

A. Did; go      B. Do; went    C. Do; go

(    )6、I ______ my grandparents clean their room last Monday.

A. help      B. helped     C. helping

(    )7、I’m happy you feel ______ now.

A. good      B. better     C. well

(    )8、Last weekend, we ______ for a picnic and ______ a good time.

A. go; have     B. went; have    C. went; had

(    )9、He ______ football with his classmates yesterday afternoon.

A. didn’t played       B. didn’t play    C. don’t play

(    )10、I wanted to watch TV ______ the TV didn’t work.

A. and      B. but     C. then


(   )1.What did you do yesterday?         A. No, he doesn’t.

(   )2.How was her weekend?             B. By plane.

(   )3.Did you stay at home?             C. It was good.

(   )4.How did you go to Hong Kong?      D.I watched TV.

(   )5.Does your father go fishing?        E. Yes, I did.


1.Jack often ______________ (play)football on the weekend.

2.What ___________ you _____________(do) last Monday?

3.Tom _____________ (be)happy yesterday.

4.Yesterday I ____________ (stay) at home and _____________ (watch)TV.

5.Mary ____________(sleep) well last night.

6、I ______(visit) my grandparents and       (drink) tea with them last weekend.

7、My brother often ___________(go) to school on foot.

8、Mike ___________(watch) some children’s show at home yesterday evening.

9、___________(do) you go to the supermarket yesterday?

10、—What is the monkey doing? —It is ___________(eat) bananas.


1.I went fishing yesterday.(对划线部分提问)

What ______ you ________ yesterday?

2.He watched TV last night.  ______did he ________TV?

3.Amy had a cold last Monday?(改为一般疑问句)

_______Amy _______ a cold last Monday?(改为一般疑问句)

威廉希尔app 中考频道为您准备了期末复习题,希望大家抓紧时间复习,在考试中取得好的成绩。


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