( )1、-_______ did you go over your holiday? -I went to Sanya.
A. What B. Where C. How
( )2、The lovely baby _______ a doll.
A. looks like B. looks C. looks up
( )3、I often _______shopping on the weekend, but I ______ go last weekend.
A. go; don’t B. went; didn’t C. go; didn’t
( )4、-Did you go to the West Lake? -_______
A. Yes, I do. B. No, I’m not. C. No, I didn’t.
( )5、-Tomorrow will be sunny and warm. Let’s go for a picnic! -_______
A. Sounds great! B. Sure! C. That’s too bad!
( )6、Did you _______ pictures in the zoo?
A. take B. took C. taking
( )7、The grapes _______ be ready _______ August.
A. won’t; till B. isn’t; till C. doesn’t; till
( )8、What happened to the boy _______ weekend?
A. next B. last C. this
( )9、-How did you go there? -_______
A. I go there by plane. B. I’m going there by plane. C. I went there by plane.
( )10、-How was your summer holiday? -_______
A. It is good. B. They’re good. C. It was good.
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