备考期间,考生可以适当放松,同时也要静下心来做好接下来的复习。下文是威廉希尔app 中考频道为您准备了期末复习试题
1、We often go to the _________________ (体育馆) to play basketball.
2、I still don’t know how to _________________ (滑冰) now.
3、We feed the cows with _________________ (草).
4、My brother didn’t like to play _________________ (羽毛球) before.
5、We have lunch at 12 o’clock in the _________________ (食堂).
6、 us (告诉) your school, please.
7、I it (查阅)on the Internet.
8、There is a building in my school (二年前)
Like take look is are
feel run can think give
drink say wake have fall
trip wear do go want
( )1、We didn’t have a library, and there ______ any computer rooms at all. A. isn’t B. wasn’t C. weren’t
( )2、I didn’t wear glasses _______. But I must wear it every day now. A. next year B. last year C. next month
( )3、Grandpa _______ use computers when he was at school.
A. can’t B. couldn’t C. wasn’t
( )4、What _______ Grandpa’s school _______ twenty years ago? A. is; like B. was; like C. did; like
( )5、I _______ on the Internet.
A. looked it up B. looked it for C. looked it at
( ) 1、What did you do last night?
( ) 2、Did you go cycling yesterday?
( ) 3、How did you go to school before?
( ) 4、What was your school like before?
( ) 5、Is there a dining hall in your school?
8.Read and write. 读图,观察图片前后的变化并补全句子。(10分)
(1)He _________ _________ _________ _________ before. Now he _________
_________ _________ _________.
(2)There _________ a _________ before. Now there _________ a _________.
(3)In summer, it _________ _________. Now it _________ _________.
(4)Wu Yifan _________ to school _________ _________before. Now he _________
_________ _________.
9.Read and tick or cross. 阅读短文,根据短文内容判断下列说法是否正确,用√或×表示。(10分)
Mr Black is a science teacher. He is young and strong. His students like him very much because he is funny. Mr Black likes playing sports very much. He always plays badminton with his students after school. On weekends, if (假如) the weather is fine, he usually goes cycling near the West Lake.
However, Mr Black was thin and weak before. At that time, he was very busy with his work and didn’t have enough (足够的) time to do some sports. He went to bed very late at night. Sometimes he even(甚至) didn’t have a good meal through the whole day. Soon Mr Black began(开始) to feel not good. He thought that too much work without a rest was not good for his health. So he made a change. He began to do sports every day to keep fit(健康的).
See, how healthy he is now!
(1)Mr Black’s students like him because he likes playing sports with them. ( )
(2)Mr Black goes cycling after school and plays badminton on weekends. ( )
(3)Mr Black went to bed very late at night before. ( )
(4)Mr Black had a good meal every day before. ( )
(5)Mr Black was thin and weak before, now he is strong and healthy. ( )
威廉希尔app 中考频道为您准备了期末复习试题,希望大家抓紧时间复习,在考试中取得好的成绩。
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