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AB  Bb  _____  ____  Ee  Ff  _____   Hh  Ii  ____  ____   Ll  Mm

_____  ____  Pp  ____  Rr  Ss  ____  _____  Vv _____ Xx  ____  Zz


favourite    English     afternoon      elephant     Saturday     plane


(    )1、 A、dog          B、cat            C、bike

(    )2、 A、father        B、cleaner         C、sister

(    )3、 A、swing        B、morning        C、evening

(    )4、 A、ruler         B、eraser          C、fish

(    )5、 A、engineer      B、monkey        C、artist


A                  B               C                D                E

(     )1、-- What does your brother do ?       -- He is a policeman .

(     )2、-- Which season do you like best?    -- I like summer best . Because I can swim .

(      (     )3、--What is the elephant doing now?    -- It is drinking water .

(     )4、--What is your mother doing ?      -- She is cooking dinner .

(     )5、Please remember the traffic rules. We must stop at a red light .


(    )1、Mike is 165cm tall . John is 160cm tall . John is __________ than Mike .

A、taller          B、longer          C、shorter

(    )2、--How do you go to school ?       --____________

A、Yellow .       B、By bike .        C、Miss White .

(    )3、--What does your father do ?  ---He is ______ engineer .

A、an            B、a              C、the

(    )4、--What’s your hobby ?            --I like ___________.

A、play football      B、played football       C、playing football

(    )5、I _________ my grandparents last weekend with my mother .

A、visited       B、visiting       C、visits

(    )6、--Where does the rain come from ?       --It comes from the __________.

A、clouds         B、water           C、vapour

(    )7、-- Did you read books ?              -- Yes, _________ .

A、I do           B、I did           C、I does.

(    )8、--Where is the  bookstore  ?     --It’s __________ the post office .

A、next to         B、in              C、on

(    )9、--What are you going to do this evening ?      --I’m going to ______ a book .

A、bought         B、buy            C、buying

(    )10、--What’s your name ?         -- ____________________.

A、I’m 13 years old .     B、I’m a student .     C、My name is Mike .


1、 hobby ,  What’s ,  your


2、 like ,   playing ,   I ,     piano ,    the


3、 on ,    I ,     school ,    go to,   foot


4、 did ,   you ,     What ,    yesterday ,    do


5、 My ,   is ,     father ,      teacher ,     a



(    )1、How tall are you ?

(    )2、Did you play football yesterday ?

(    )3、What’s your father’s hobby ?

(    )4、Is she listening to music ?

(    )5、What’s the matter with you ?

A、Yes , I did .

B、I feel sick. I have a  toothache .

C、He likes playing chess .

D、I’m 165cm tall .

E、No , she isn’t . She is doing homework .


A: Where did you go on your holiday ?

B: __________________________.

A: How did you go there ?

B: ______________________.

A: What did you do there ?

B: ______________________.

A: Did you go to the Great Wall ?

B: ______________________.

A: Is Beijing beautiful ?

B: ______________________.

A、Yes, I did .

B、I ate good food there .

C、Yes , it is .

D、I went to Beijing .

E、 I went there by plane .



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