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十、读句子,从括号里所给的A、B中选出正确的选项, 并将其字母编号写在题前括号内。(4分)

(   )1. What does she have to do? She ____ (A. have  B. has) to push the door.

(   )2. The room is messy. Please put (A. on  B. away) the toys.

(   )3. She’s sad because she (A. failed  B. fails) the test.

(   )4. He (A. made  B. is making) models this morning.


1. I’m excited because I _____(get) a kitten.

2. Tony usually _______(help) his mother ______(do) housework.

3. He likes________(read) comic books.

4. I _____(lose) my book yesterday, I must _____(find)it.


(   )1. Don’t push. You have to ______.

A. carry            B. find             C. pull

(   )2. I’m very hungry. I _____ eat something.

A. have to          B. has to           C. go

(   )3. The boy _______ a pair of sunglasses at the store last week.

A. bought           B. buy              C. buys

(   )4. Staying _____ late is _______ us.

A. in; bad for      B. up; good for      C. up; bad for

(   )5.你捡到到了一串钥匙,想问你的同学昨天有没有掉钥匙,你会问:

A. Did you find your keys yesterday?        B. Did you lose your keys yesterday?

C. Did you lose your money yesterday?

(   )6.星期天你看到了一条蛇,心里非常害怕。你想告诉你的朋友,你会说:

A.I was scared last Sunday because I saw a mouse.

B.I was scared last night because I heard a noise.

C.I was scared last night because I saw a snake.


Ⅰ                                   Ⅱ

(   )1.Why are you sad?                        A. No, she didn’t.

(   )2.What did you do eat this morning?       B. Sure, I’ll carry them later.

(   )3.Did Lisa read a book yesterday?         C. Because I got a poor grade.

(   )4.Do you ever lose your pen?              D. Yes, I do.

(   )5.Can you carry the books please?         E. I ate some noodles.


1. went zoo I a Friday to last(.)_________________________________

2. go Mary where Monday did morning last(?)________________________________

3. mountain to are going climb we the tomorrow(.)_________________________________


1.                          2.

1. Why was the boy tired? Because he ________ _______.

2. What ______ he do last night? He _______ ________.


1. _____________________________________   2. ________________________________________


(1) 判断下列说法与原文是否相符。相符的写T,否则写F.(10分)

London is the oldest city in Britain(英国). It’s the biggest city in Europe(欧洲), but New York(纽约) is big, too. It’s as big as(一样) London. The streets in London are crowded(拥挤) and there is one of the world’s biggest underground(地铁). The streets in New York are just as crowded as in London. There are a lot of stores in London, but New York has more supermarkets than(比) London. London has more parks than New York, but New York Central Park(纽约中央公园) is much bigger than the biggest park in London.

(   )1. London is in Europe.

(   )2. New York is as big as London.

(   )3.There aren’t much stores in London.

(   )4. New York has more parks than London.

(   )5.There is one of the world’s biggest underground in New York.


Hello! I’m Rose. Every August, the weather is hot. We don’t go to school. Last summer holiday, I went to Shanghai with my father. We visited many places. This summer holiday, I’m going to Beijing for a vacation with my friends. We’re going there by plane. We’re going to stay there for a week. We will come back by train.

1. What’s the weather like in August?                                     ____

2. Where did Rose go last summer holiday?                                  ____

3. What did they do in Shanghai?           ______________________________________

4. What is Rose going to do this summer holiday?

5. Will they come back by plane?





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