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备考期间,考生可以适当放松,同时也要静下心来做好接下来的复习。下文是威廉希尔app 中考频道为您准备了英语期末复习题


十、读句子,从括号里所给的A、B中选出正确的选项, 并将其字母编号写在题前括号内。(4分)

(   )1. _______(A.What  B.Where) was your brother? He was at school.

(   )2. Did you dance _______(A. on  B. in) the parade?

(   )3. My mother is going to ______(A. a   B. an) island tomorrow.

(   )4.What’s the matter with_______(A. she  B. her)? She lost her keys.


1.I’ll _____(get) some cotton candy.

2.Did they _______(win) the football game.

3.Jenny _______(study) Chinese every night.

4.Last Saturday,I_______(ride) my bike to the park.


(   )1.My sister _______ a great day last Friday.

A. have            B.has              C.had

(   )2.______ you _______ the windows this morning?

A. Do; clean        B. Did; clean        C. Are; clean

(   )3.I ______ late for school, because I _______ the bus.

A. was; missed      B. went; missed      C. go; miss

(   )4.The classroom is very clean now. Who_______ it before?

A. cleaning         B. cleaned           C. clean

(   )5.你想知道你的同学昨晚有没有读书,你应问:

A. Did you drink anything last night?        B.I read a book last night.

C. Did you read a book last night?

(   )6.你得到了一个漂亮的礼物,心情非常兴奋,迫不急待想告诉你的同学,你会说:

A. I’m excited because I got a good grade.       B. I’m excited because I got a nice gift.

C. I’m excited because I won the game.


Ⅰ                                   Ⅱ

(   )1.What happened to Ben?                 A. I did my homework.

(   )2.What did you do yesterday?            B. Yes, I did.

(   )3.Did you miss the bus?                 C. He had a cold.

(   )4.Does she often clean up her room?       D. He will give her sister a gift.

(   )5.What will he do?                      E. No, she doesn’t.


1. you/up/why/wake/did/late(?)_____________________________________

2. Lost/keys/I/my/must/I/them/find (,)(.)________________________________

3. after/he/go/zoo/did/the/to/that(?)____________________________________


1.                          2.

1. ______ did he do the day __________ yesterday? He _______ models.

2.  Why is he ________? ___________ he saw a snake.


1.___________________________________       2. ______________________________________



Here is a letter from Jim to his friend in the USA

Dear lily:

I am in China now. I go to school five days a week. The school and the food are good here. I have some Chinese friends. They are all very friendly to me. On Saturdays and Sundays we stay at home .In the afternoon we play games. My Chinese friends like English very much. They ask me to teach them English and they teach me Chinese. I like staying here.

Please write soon!

(   )1. This letter is from Jim to Lily.

(   )2. Jim is not at school on Saturdays and Sundays。

(   )3. Jim and his friends don’t play games.

(   )4. Jim thinks his Chinese friends are good to him.

(   )5. Jim likes Chinese food but he doesn’t like the school.


Hello, everyone. I’m Kate .Yesterday was Sunday. I got up at seven thirty in the morning. Then I had my breakfast. After that I went to play in the garden. At twelve o’clock, I had lunch at home. Then I played a game with Linda. At eight o’clock in the evening, I did my homework. It was a busy day, isn’t it?

1. What day was it yesterday?                                    ________

2. Did Kate get up at seven?                                      _______

3. When did Kate have lunch?                                      _______

4. Who played a game with Kate?                                   _______

十八、作文。(5分)请以” A _______ Day” (提示busy happy excited sad 等)为题写一篇关于你的一天的作文

威廉希尔app 中考频道为您准备了英语期末复习题,希望大家抓紧时间复习,在考试中取得好的成绩。


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